About this blog

This is a new decade for all of us and will be a new journey for me as I turn the corner on my forties into the realm of my fifties. Hard to believe. I invite you to follow my health and fitness journey as I reach my goal of wearing a size 10-12 while I am 50 years old. I know this will be a blog filled with joys, accomplishments, and probably even some setbacks, but the over all goal will be to keep going, keep moving, keep releasing weight to be a fit and healthy 50-year-old.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


I had to post today since it is 1-11-11 – awesome numbers – awesome date! The really exciting date is coming up in ten months on 11-11-11 though! It is really making me think more about spirituality – about having joy in one’s life – about gratitude – and about the power of our thoughts. I have really been trying to watch my thoughts – what a task this is – scientists say we have from 30,000 to 60,000 thoughts a day. Boy that is a lot of words, scenarios, dreams– both good and bad floating around in the reality of our minds on a daily basis, but how do they become our reality?
Here is a quote that I thought described how our thoughts manifest our desires whether they are good thoughts or bad thoughts.

And you must act NOW. Do not wait until you are in the perfect situation, the perfect job, the perfect relationship. NOW is the only time you have. Isn’t that the truth!!


The Past is History

The Future is a Mystery

The Present is your Gift: Do It NOW

This is so true! But I believe the subtle nuance of how to have productive, positive, grateful, joyous thoughts on an ongoing basis is the answer. I am going to hone my thought focusing skills on making sure many of my 60,000 thoughts are positive and filled with gratitude and joy. I’m going to kick that stupid drunk monkey that still chimes in at time right out of my head!!!

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