About this blog

This is a new decade for all of us and will be a new journey for me as I turn the corner on my forties into the realm of my fifties. Hard to believe. I invite you to follow my health and fitness journey as I reach my goal of wearing a size 10-12 while I am 50 years old. I know this will be a blog filled with joys, accomplishments, and probably even some setbacks, but the over all goal will be to keep going, keep moving, keep releasing weight to be a fit and healthy 50-year-old.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Reflections on Month One

Today I gave myself the day off. No tracking calories and no working out – just a massage for me today. I didn’t even work in my garden. I didn’t intend to give myself the day off, but when I realized today is the last day of the first month of my journey I decided I needed a day off. Tonight I am even having spaghetti for dinner and maybe a glass or two of wine. I hope this won’t be a mistake come Friday weigh-in day, but I think it is the right thing to do. Maybe next month I will even take the day off of blogging too!! In the future I will give myself one day off a month – the last day of each month.

The figures for the first month of my journey are in. Drum roll………I lost 9 pounds total. I worked out 20 days out of 31. As the first month of my journey comes to an end, I realize that this is a journey in more ways than one. It isn’t just about releasing weight. It is also about finding my authentic self. This month brought about many feelings and lessons for me. I learned that I have to plan my meals and workouts to be successful. I had several melt downs. I cried. I laughed. I walked. I walked. I walked. I sweated, and I mean sweated! I got frustrated. I was excited when I saw a lower number on the scale each week. I saw a shooting star. I learned I have to be honest with myself. I had many conversations with “the little drunk monkey.” I tried new recipes. I learned I had choices and that all my choices lead to consequences whether they be bad or good. I discovered that I am an emotional eater. I think I already knew that!! But, now I really see my patterns. I reserved my fourth week at the Biggest Looser Resort. Woo Hoo!!! (I am trying to talk Steve into going with me for one of the weeks.) I doubted myself. I was proud of myself. I was disappointed in myself. I learned that I have to take this journey day-by-day, meal-by-meal. I was supported by many of my friends and family members. I didn’t get support from one person – but hey I don’t need his support anyway I have enough other supporters.

If you are one of my supporters and you haven’t signed up as a follower, please do. I really want to see many followers of my journey. I’ll be looking for you as one of my followers tomorrow!!!

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Gardening and Those Darn Weeds

I didn't do a traditional workout today because I spent 21/2 hours pulling weeds. I have to really give gardeners credit. Boy, am I sore - what a work out!!! There is something so therapeutic about digging in the dirt. It does do a number on your nails though! Now my back yard looks great and I am ready to plant some more flowers and maybe a couple more vegetables. By the way the broccoli, brussel sprouts, lettuce, and spinach that gro-Organic planted in my beds are all really growing great and the seeds are now spouting into very small radishes, onions, peas and purple carrots. I can't wait to see what those look and taste like. Tomorrow I am going to re-plant my front planter. That will be another day of non-traditional exercise. I decided to try to plant some native plants in my planter to see if that will cut down on some watering. Not quite ready to go to all native plants and no grass, but we will see how this works.

Friday, January 29, 2010

One more pound

Okay.....the verdict is...one pound...again.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Crickets, silkworms and grasshoppers

Did you know that in Beijing, China at the The Night Market they sell these and 97 other deep fried and otherwise ‘deliciously’ prepared delicacies? I learned that tonight in my International Business Class - and it got me to thinking, as I watched the reporter feast on a crunchy starfish, silkworm, sea urchin and other carefully prepared local morsels. As I struggle with loosing weight on a daily basis - would I loose weight faster if I lived somewhere that had different types of food, or would I never have gained weight in the first place? Hmmmm.... interesting question you say? Yesterday I also watched Michael Pollen, author of The Omnivores Dilemma, and other books about the food industry, on The Oprah Show talking about all the preservatives and chemicals in our processed food, a subject I have read much about. You would think I’d be a perfect size 8 with 14% body fat by now with all the books on healthy eating I have read! He is also featured on the video Food, Inc., which explores where the food on our table actually comes from. Awful to think about!! I rarely eat beef, never eat pork, lamb or veal already after reading Skinny Bitch (well actually before that, but that book solidified it for me). No, this isn’t a book about snobby, skinny Beverly Hills girls. It is a book about the food industry and eating healthy. But, not eating beef can still lead to eating a host of other unhealthy food items from questionable sources. Oh yes it can!! All that said, now I am asking myself "why in the HELL do I eat the crap that I know is crap?" I know the answer to that question - because it tastes good. Or shall I say my misguided taste buds think it tastes good. Even though I have read many books about all the stuff in our food, and how food is grown, processed, etc., I still eat processed junk – not all the time – but enough of the time. I’m not talking McDonalds either – I haven’t been there in probably 10 years, but I have been to a multitude of other seemingly healthy fast food places – Subway, Rubios, Quiznos, not to mention processed foods from the grocery store. I’m not even sure where I am going with this, except that with all my food knowledge – why do I still eat unhealthy things? I realized today that 99% of loosing weight for me is mental – I can’t say I don’t know what to eat, or what is good or bad for me because I do. I know there are other people out there that really don’t know how many calories in this or that or where foods come from, and how bad certain chemicals in processed for are for a person, but that’s not me. I do know!! Maybe it is the chemicals in the food making me crave the unhealthy and not stop at just one. Some say it is. But whether it is or not I still need to work more on my mental state – my love of self – my belief in myself! Weigh in tomorrow, not today. I jumped the gun yesterday in saying weigh in was today. More tomorrow.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Tomorrow is another progress day

Tomorrow is another progress day. I am a little worried because of my lack of "being honest with myself." But, we will see and we will go from there. Right? This is a journey!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Be Honest with Yourself

Earlier in the month a friend of mine, Alysia, one of my fellow Prosperity Princesses, did a Tarot card reading for me. (See more about Alysia in my links under peaceful-heart.net and 1luckypuppy.net.) She is also Cleo’s hairstylist, so to speak. One of the things the cards revealed when I asked how my weight loss journey would progress was that I should be honest with myself. At the time I though I am honest with myself!! HA! I realize after reviewing my food and exercise journal for the last 26 days that I have not been 100% honest with myself or committed to my weight loss journey. I say I am committed, but my journal shows otherwise. I kept thinking about what she told me that day, and I realize that I need to be honest with myself about exactly what I have been eating and drinking, and how much I have been exercising. Instead of living in a world of make believe that doesn’t yield the results I so desire, my motto from now on is “be honest with yourself.” I think if I can do this I can be even more successful in my journey. Bring it on!!! No more make believe and much better results.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Tomorrow is another day

That is all I can say. I'm in a funk - maybe its hormonal. But, I am glad tomorrow is another day. I will explain later.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Very boring day

Not much to report. Very boring day. More tomorrow.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Sunshine today!

Sunshine today!!! Finally, the rain is gone, at least for a day or so. In my writing class I have an assignment to hone in on my senses - sight, hearing, touch, taste and smell - as I go about my day. I am going to be picking one sense a day to focus on and then write about what specifics I notice regarding that sense. My plan is to hone in on each sense as it applies to my weight loss journey. Tomorrow I will focus on my sense of smell.

By the way, I wasn't able to ward of "the drunk little monkey" completely yesterday, and I had one or two too many pieces of pizza. I'm sure it will take awhile for me to completely not listen to the little guy. He said, "It is the beginning of the week, you can have pizza now and still make it up later in the week." Wrong!! I'm not going to listen to that little voice anymore, or shall I say I'm going to try very hard not to listen to it.

Friday, January 22, 2010

The little drunk monkey

I had a small weight loss this week - one pound to be exact, equating to progress albeit ever so slow. I realize it is a step, or shall I say pound, in the right direction. And, I AM happy about that!!

I was thinking today how easy it is to do some things in life, and then other things are so difficult. Teaching my class last night on a subject I am just now learning about myself (International Business) was a breeze. I stepped in front of the class and just started talking about international customs, tariffs, outsourcing, GATT and a wide range of other topics as if I'd known been working for an international conglomerate for years. Fooled them, huh? The fact is I finished reading the chapter I was teaching on Wednesday when I was at the gym on the stationary bike. Maybe the students knew, maybe they didn't.

My point in this is teaching that class about something I am just grasping myself was easy for me. I know that for someone else, especially someone who doesn't like public speaking, it would have been the most frightening thing in the world. While for me eating the right things on a consistent basis and exercising is a painstaking task of planning, re-planning, counting, and re-counting calories, and telling the little voice in my head to shut up. No - I’m not crazy! Well, maybe a little! Seriously, we all have the little voice. I call that voice “the little drunk monkey,” and you don’t have to be drunk for him to show his ugly head. You know the guy. He sits on your shoulder telling you what to do – telling you not to do things you planned on doing, and telling you to do other things that make no sense. That little guy is usually sitting on my shoulder before each trip to the gym saying, "It’s raining outside. You don't have to go. You can go tomorrow. You can take a day off." I know you all know the little voice I am talking about. Sometimes he/she says even more crazy things, like telling you you aren't good enough, you can't do it, why did you do that - all the things that keep us from achieving our full potential. My “little drunk monkey” has a pattern. His pattern is to come around really strong with a lot to say on Friday nights. Oh dear you say. It‘s Friday night and the “little drunk monkey” is coming. Now that I have figured out the little guy’s sabotaging timing, I plan to tell him to take a hike tonight and every Friday night from now on, and every time he tells me not to work out, or to eat that piece of cake, or that I can’t do, or that I’m not good enough I am going to tell him to leave me alone. Interesting how the little guy only has something to say at certain times. For example, he didn’t say a word last night when I was preparing to go to my class to teach or even while I was teaching, but boy does he have a lot to say about my weight loss journey. What does your “little drunk monkey” say to you that impedes your progress on your journey in life? Figure it out and then tell him to leave you alone!! That is what I’m going to do tonight!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Kick Butt workout today! Felt good! I ate well too. Woo Hoo! Tomorrow is a weigh in. I’ll post how it goes tomorrow. That’s all for now.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

No drama - no problems

Today was a pretty uneventful day, except for the pouring rain. I still managed to make it to the gym despite the rivers running down all the streets. Yea! And, it was so crowded. I guess everyone had the same idea. And, I didn't yield to the calling of comfort food on this chilly rainy day. Healthy meals and a workout, what else can a girl ask for. Sometimes uneventful is good, especially when on a fitness journey. No drama – no problems equals a great 20th day of my fitness journey.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Nothing worthwhile is easy or happens overnight!

Today two people told me the same thing when I expressed my frustration with the process I am undertaking. I can’t believe how emotional I was feeling today and this weekend. First, this morning during my extremely tough workout, while sweat was pouring down my face (what a picture, huh?), I had a mini melt down. I’m not sure what came over me, but as I was discussing how my weekend was filled with what I call a lack of support from one particular person, and ‘non-perfection’ on my part, I lost it and shed a couple of tears. Then my trainer, Marc, asked if I knew the saying “nothing worthwhile is easy,” and told me not to give up. Tonight while I was I was telling my husband, Steve, I had a mini melt down this morning and was frustrated with the whole process he told me “nothing worthwhile happens overnight.” I knew at that moment that I was going to have to work hard everyday, for many months to achieve my very worthwhile goal. It would be great if there was a magic pill to loose weight and get fit. But, alas there isn’t. And, I know for sure there isn’t because I looked for that darn pill for more than twenty years!! Nothing worthwhile is easy or happens overnight - another nudge along my journey for yet another day.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Are we there yet?

It is only the 18th day of my journey and I feel like the little kid in the back seat asking "Are we there yet?" I admit it; I am impatient. I am impatient with most things in life, even the most trivial like waiting at a traffic light or suffering through commercials during my favorite TV program. I am one of those people still in the dark ages without TIVO! Maybe it is because I get bored easily. I don’t know. But, I do know that for me to make it to the end of my journey I am going to have to find a way to just keep plugging along. In the past when I would try to loose weight, I would get bored with a certain routine. And, then after about a week or two would try a new diet, a new plan – thinking maybe the next plan, or diet would be the one that finally worked. Sometime at the end of last year, I recognized that that wasn’t going to work. The only thing that was going to work was persistence, eating healthy and exercising – and, accountability - hence this Blog. I can’t wait to see what I am writing on day 100 or day 200 or day 300, or actually even day 50. I am exhausted just thinking about it!!! Should be a fun ride though!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Planning and Journaling

Today I focused on planning what I will eat for all my meals this week. Then I went to Trader Joes and bought all my healthy foods. I realize I just can't have any trigger foods in the house. I am all set for my meals for the week. I have also planned when I will do my workouts, cardio and Pilates this week. Plan, Plan, Plan and now I will be sticking to my plans. I wrote my first essay assignment for my writing course. It was a little difficult to get the words out. This week we are learning how to use journaling as a means to finding story ideas. So, I guess I am ahead on that since I have already started this Blog, which is in essence a journal of my weight loss journey. The funny thing is that I was looking on the Jillian Michaels website and she was talking about the importance of journaling for encouraging weight loss. I noticed that I am going about my day and thinking of what I might write about each evening. At times it is like I am narrating my day in my mind, like I am reading a passage from a book. I guess that is how a writer is born - and how I will transform into a fit healthy 50-year-old by the end of this year.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Tomorrow is another day

All I can say is thank goodness tomorrow is another day, and that this is a journey.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Progress and Gardens and Recipes

Yesterday was actually the end of week two, but since I weighed in this morning I am posting my results today. I released one pound, which is progress in the right direction. I am happy with my results so far!!

I am also happy for all my followers. And, I know there are more of you out there. Show yourselves!!! Sign up as a follower, please!! I know of at least a few of you. You know who you are!

Below is a dinner recipe from the Jillian Michaels website - pretty good and only 320 calories a serving!!!

Now that I have my garden spruced up thanks to groOrganic, (See my links for more information about this great company started by my friend Karen.) making dishes like this with tons of veggies will be really easily in the future.

Pacific Pesto Pasta
6 servings
1 tablespoon oil, olive
8 ounce(s) pasta, rotini
3/4 pounds chicken, breast, skinless, boneless, cut into 1-inch strips
2 clove(s) garlic, minced
1 onion(s), red, diced
1 pepper(s), yellow, diced
1 pepper(s), green, bell, diced
1 pepper(s), red, bell, diced
1 zucchini, diced
1 tomato(es), diced
2 tablespoon tomato(es), sun-dried, paste
2 tablespoon pesto, basil
salt and black pepper, to taste
parsley, fresh, chopped, for garnish

Prepare pasta according to package directions.

While pasta is cooking, heat oil in a skillet over medium-high heat. Add chicken strips and sauté until chicken is cooked through, about 6 minutes. Add garlic and vegetables, and cook until soft, about 4 minutes. After vegetables are soft, add tomato paste and pesto, and mix well.

When pasta is done, drain thoroughly. Add pasta to vegetable mixture and toss. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Transfer pasta to a serving bowl and garnish with freshly chopped parsley. Serve immediately.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Only 351 days to go in my journey

Tonight was the first day of the Global Business Class I am teaching. And, it was a calamity of problems – first I couldn’t get into the room, then the bookstore ordered the wrong book, then I couldn’t get the video I wanted to show to play. But, it still worked out okay - great group of students. I had to improvise. How come I can do that so well in business, but when it comes to food I’m not quite as good at it? Had my first official workout today – it was pretty darn hard after taking nearly a month off of training. But, I made it through! I weigh in tomorrow. So we shall see what the almighty scale says. Don't know how much I will loose, but hoping at least a pound or two. This week was a little tough for me in terms of eating and keeping with the program – that dreaded week two. It is amazing how easy it is to get distracted. I am working on so many things. That is why I know I need to start planning my meals on a weekly basis, maybe on Sunday and shopping for everything then. Not that I ate wrong today, at all, just that I had to think too much about what to eat, and felt easily tempted to eat wrong. I had a great taco tofu salad today. What the heck is that you might ask? It is tofu cooked with some type of taco seasoning, with lettuce, tomatoes, avocado and some olives, and salsa for dressing. It was pretty darn good. I’ll post my progress tomorrow. That’s it for now. Day number 14 done, only 351 to go!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

The Nudge

Today is the day I probably would have gone way off my plan if I wasn’t posting to this blog daily, and getting the support of my friends and followers. I didn’t exercise this morning, and was just going to “take the day off,” but thanks to my friend Cathi’s encouragement, I didn’t. She sent me several email nudges asking if I had exercised today, until I finally said “Okay. I am going now.” And, I went. I just got back from the gym, and I feel way better. It really is true that exercise improves mood. At least it did for me today. I was also eyeballing some gnocchi that are in my freezer. Do you know what those are? Nummy dough-like pasta balls thingys with cheesy sauce. But, I put those back in the freezer. Got out the rice cooker and am now cooking some healthy brown rice. I will have a piece of Cod with that and some asparagus. So, instead of being side tracked, which in the past I had a pattern of doing after about a week of eating healthy, I am on track! Thanks to a little help from a friend!!! Now I know why I decided to start this long Blog journey that I have committed to…because sometimes all it takes is a little nudge.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Own It

Today has been a really long day...obviously since I am writing so late. First I went for my first big workout of the year and guess what, my trainer and I could not get into the gym. He just started training people at this gym and does not have a key yet and was relying on the owner to be there to let us in. But, nooooooooo...he wasn't there. Boy, did I just want to go home and give up, but I didn't. I went to the Claremont Club and did cardio for 45 minutes on my own, while reading the textbook for the class I have to teach tomorrow. Not at last minute thing or anything. But, I followed through. I owned my journey and didn't give up. This was a theme today. Own it! I went to dinner with some really good friends tonight, and yes I had some wine and some Chinese food. Two of these ladies are two of my Mud Run teammates, Cathi and Sue. My team captain, Cathi, told me exactly what to expect on the Mud Run. It sounded tough, but not that tough. It is doable and I will do it! Then later during dinner we started talking about age. And, those of you that know me know that I don't readily tell my age to anyone, hoping they will think I am younger. I have been told I look younger. LOL! Anyway, the gist of this part of our conversation was "Own it," and on my ride home I realized that I am "Owning it," so to speak with this Blog. "FitbyFifty," I guess that tells it all. But, what I realized is that whatever age we are or no matter where we are in life we need to "own it... be it... and enjoy it.” Don't wish you are thirty when you are twenty, don't wish you are thirty when you are forty, don't wish you are thirty when you are fifty. Hmmm.... sounds like I am wishing something, but no!!! I think I am finally just being who I am. Lesson - Be happy where you are because we all just have they very moment we are living – NOW!!!

Monday, January 11, 2010


Got up this morning and did my cardio - wasn't really into it though. But, then I remembered...uh oh...Mud Run!! And, I was suddenly pedaling faster and sweating more. Funny how that works. Tomorrow morning will be my first official workout with my trainer this year, since I missed my workout last week. I am excited to get started and really working out, but a little scared of how hard it will be after so many weeks off. My schedule is to workout with Marc, my trainer twice a week, and Janice, my fabulous Pilates instructor once a week (more on her and the Om Sweet Om Pilates Studio in my links). Plus, on my own do at least 30 minutes of cardio four times a week (working up to more minutes and running as the months progress), walking at least one or two times a week (up that dreaded hill!!), and yoga once a week. With this schedule, I am going to be one busy girl, especially now that I am taking the “Essay Wring with Amy Paturel” class, helping coordinate the Community Hospital of San Bernardino Centennial Foundation Golf Tournament, teaching an International Business class at Chaffey College, and oh yeah – my real job helping people buy and sell homes, as a broker associate at Keller Williams Realty. Balance – like balancing on a tight rope (that is what I feel like I am doing now reading this) – will be key to my success in this journey and I know it. BALANCE!! Yes. That will be key!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Choices and Consequences

"I am what I am because of what I do and I am what I am because of what I don't do." Gary Keller, Founder of Keller Williams Realty

Another truism I got out of the seminar I went to on Friday.

And, Boy this IS so true. Today I went to a baby shower and had to make the choice to have cake or to not have cake. I didn't have cake, but I did have two cookies. In my mind the cookies were a better choice than the cake. But, obviously the best choice would have been to have neither.

Then later when I was given the choice to take a nap or go on a power walk up a pretty big hill. What did I do? I made the right choice. I went on the walk, while my husband took at nap. Boy, is that willpower and determination, or what? And, now that my walk is over and the cookies have been eaten. I see how each and everything we do or don't do really does impact our lives. We all have choices in life and each choice leads a consequence, whether it is what we eat, if we exercise, if we answer the phone, if we go to that meeting or don’t go to that meeting, and on and on and on…..Something to think about. Hmmmmmm….

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Writing Class

I am roasting a chicken on the bar-b-que now, and will have green beans and a small potato with it. Mmmmmmmmm...nummy! Today was one of my rest days, no exercise. I miss it though, but I have to rest one day, right? I signed up to take a writing class with my good friend Amy, the class will be online. You can see more about Amy at on her website, which is in my links. She is a wonderful writer. The hope is that taking this class will help me make this Blog more interesting for my readers. So, be prepared for some smoking hot writing and topics in the future.

Friday, January 8, 2010

5.8 Pounds

Today was my first weigh in and I lost.................it is good news.........5.8 pounds!!!! Yeah!!! After I did my cardio this morning, I attended a Keller Williams Realty motivational business meeting. One of the things I took away from the seminar was that "Success is the progressive realization of a worthy goal." While I was in the seminar, I clearly recognized that is exactly what my fitness journey is all about. "Progressive realization” or better described as daily, weekly progress is the key to my success in my quest. And, this week I can say I made pretty good progress toward reaching my goal.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

The beauty of a journey is that tomorrow is another day

The beauty of a journey is that it is a journey, not just one day or one week. Thank goodness!! I knew that I would have setbacks, but I didn’t think I would have one so early in my journey. But, I did have a setback. Self sabotage is the only way I can describe the rest of last night and today. Today was to be my first official workout of 2010 with my trainer. But, I sabotaged myself and missed my workout this morning. The good news is I ate healthy today!! This made me realize that I can enroll all the people in the world into my quest for fitness, but if I myself am not 100% committed, I won't be successful in my quest. So, today I felt bad about not working out this morning, I felt bad about not being in Integrity about my promises to myself. Then I realized that I just need to get back on track because this is a daily journey. Tomorrow is my first weigh in; that will be the real proof as to my progress in my journey. I must remember my motto “Just do it with Integrity,” and not dwell on the setbacks. Thank goodness tomorrow is another day, and another day in my journey. And, I’m going to make it a good one!!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Triggers and Stars

Tonight I realized that the world may be reading my Blog. And, I hope everyone is!!! But, it also made me realize that I am accountable to the world, so to speak. Daunting thought! Today was not the best of days in business, in relationship, in life, not that bad, but triggers were released...I was easily convinced or maybe I convinced myself to go have a "salad", i.e.: wine and salad with my friend, who I will not name, unless she says I can. So, I realized today that I am triggered to go off track quite easily. Even though I met with my wonderful coach and trainer Marc, I let the stresses of the day get to me. I went a little of track, but not too much. The real result will be in my weigh in on Friday. So...oh yeah stars...I saw a commercial today that mentioned stars aligning, and alas tonight I witness stars ‘almost’ aligning. Then it must mean that my stars will align soon. Yes?

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

The Biggest Looser, Blogs and Dancing

I just finished watching the premiere of the 9th season of The Biggest Looser. Looking at the contestants weigh in for the first time and seeing that I weigh as much as some of the women on the show, the realization that I have a long road ahead of me hit me like a ton of bricks. Consistency is going to be the key for me to be successful in my journey. It’s not going to be easy, but it can be done. I have the support I need to do this and I will be successful in my quest for health and fitness. I have to be successful!!! I am excited to meet with Marc, my trainer, tomorrow to talk about the plan to get to my goal. First on the agenda will definitely be how to make sure I can run through the mud, hurdle walls, crawl over tires and generally make it through the Mud Run in June. Oh no….What have I got myself into!!! Another thought I had today was how will I make this Blog a Blog worth reading. This prompted me to spend several hours searching the Internet for information about Blogs. And, of course there was a myriad of information. So, I bought a book on Blogging, because that is what I do when I want to find out more about a particular subject, hence the multiple stacks of books around my home. Then it was off to my weekly ballroom dancing lesson with my husband, Steve. Tonight we worked on perfecting (hahahahaha) our Rumba and our Foxtrot. It is exercise, right?

Monday, January 4, 2010

Shooting Star

How often is it that one randomly sees a shooting star? I'm not sure, but tonight while taking Cleo for a walk I saw a star shoot across the sky. In my mind that tells be I am on the right track with what I am doing, which makes me even more excited about my journey. The funny thing is I witnessed this right as I was contemplating what to write in this blog tonight, and thinking that I might include the definition of "prosperity." I was pondering what exactly the word means because earlier today I went to a meeting of the Prosperity Princesses. Now if you don't know what our group is about, don't laugh at our name!! No. We aren't princesses that sit around all day eating chocolate cake!! Well, sometimes we do eat chocolate cake, but no more for me!!! Actually, we are a group of positive minded women who meet to encourage and develop our prosperity through learning, sharing experiences and supporting each other. The group is led by my friend and hypnotherapist, Tonya Tyler. Check out her website under my links!! So, what does the word prosperity mean? According to the dictionary it means "The condition of being prosperous." So, what exactly does "prosperous" mean? It means "having success; or flourishing." I believe seeing that shooting star is a sign from the universe that this will be one exciting, enlightening, and very successful journey. And, I am excited!!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

More Walking

Okay...Day three comes to a close. I walked again with my friend Laurie this morning. Good thing I didn't bring Cleo, my adorable dog, with me because the entire walk was a menagerie of dogs...big ones...little ones... all kinds of them. It could have been really exciting!! Basically, rewarded myself with a massage today and did a little shopping. I have decided that with this fitness quest, I will also be dressing up a bit more no matter my size. So, I bought a couple of new dress pants. No more jeans while working!!! And, a couple of cute ballerina flats. No more clogs!! Tomorrow will be great!! I know it will because I will make it a great day. My new motto is JUST DO IT WITH INTEGRITY!! I figure if I stick with this I will be successful in all areas of my life.

Saturday, January 2, 2010


Today I'm feeling a little out of it. I did do my one hour walk with my friend Laurie this morning, which was tough, but good. I have to get much more fit to do the 5K in March and the Mud Run in June. Also, I have committed to go to the Biggest Looser Fitness Resort for four weeks this year; the first one in May after my class ends. And, then in September and probably June or July. So, I am pumped. I did imbib too much last night, more than I outlined in my goals. But, this is a journey that will take time and adjustments in life.  I guess that will be one of my biggest challenges in this journey. Figured out that my BMR with light activity is 2400 calories a day. So, I need to have a deficit of 3500 calories over time for each pound I will release. This will be an interesting journey...only 363 days to go. LOL! I need to work on growing more of my own vegetables in my garden. That will be one of my projects for Spring.

Friday, January 1, 2010

The first day!

Happy New Year!!! Today is the first day of my journey to health and fitness. My goal is to fit into a size 8 by the time I turn 50 in November of this year. I have a ways to go...probably at least 100 pounds. But, I am going to do it this time. I just signed up to to the Mud Run at Camp Pendleton on June 5. The first of many fitness goals and challenges I will be undertaking this year. As I write this my healthy dinner of chicken, beets and brown rice is cooking. So, one day down and 364 to go. Oh yeah. And, I plan to blog every day during my journey. That's it for now.