About this blog

This is a new decade for all of us and will be a new journey for me as I turn the corner on my forties into the realm of my fifties. Hard to believe. I invite you to follow my health and fitness journey as I reach my goal of wearing a size 10-12 while I am 50 years old. I know this will be a blog filled with joys, accomplishments, and probably even some setbacks, but the over all goal will be to keep going, keep moving, keep releasing weight to be a fit and healthy 50-year-old.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

What I learned about spirituality and weight loss in 2010

Well, in a nutshell – I learned three major things. The power of thoughts – our thoughts become our reality, the power of gratitude and to always be in a state of joy. So, that is it.

The power of our thoughts - Over the last year, like I said, I have read many, many books and attended numerous seminars of spiritual subject everything from Atlantean Healing, to the book Infinite Possibilities – many are in my links. And, after all is said at the end of the day or shall I say the end of the year. I believe it comes down to the fact that our thoughts become things - our life becomes what we think about. What I mean by that is I really believe what we think will happen is what happens. Our thoughts are so much more powerful than we think. With all the talk about the Secret and manifesting our desires, I have learned that we need to watch our thoughts, craft our thoughts, think about what we want - not what we don’t want. We all know the person who is always getting into a car accident or losing things. Of course they always say this will happen to them and guess what it does. I believe these things happen to them because that is what they think will happen to them. The willed it to happened – they manifested it to happened because they thought it would happen. I know that is pretty simplistic statement, but I believe is to be true. You say why then have you not lost all your weight yet? And I can say this is one of the reasons, I don’t always think that I can do it. I don’t always see myself in the future thin and shopping for a size 10 dress. I am guilty of manifesting what I have in my life – the good and the bad -what I have I brought into my life. This year I am focusing on thinking about what I want to have happen in my life, not what I don’t. So, that means to worrying and a lot of positive thinking and talking.And, that little drunk monkey is so gone!! If I do think an unwanted thought I say to myself “cancel, clear, delete” to get it out of my mind.

Gratitude - The second thing is so awesome. Yes. Gratitude. Be grateful for all you have in your life. There are always things to be grateful for in one’s life. I started a gratitude journal last year and in it I write (it is best if done every day, another reason I have not yet reached my goal) at least ten things I am grateful for in my life. Then I write a list of how I want to feel during that day. I write “today I intend to: be happy, be calm, be kind, be outgoing, etc. I write whatever I what the day to look like. I vary the intentions based on what I have going that day –setting the tone for the day. Then lastly - here is where it gets fun -I write delegations. Delegations of thanks to God for what I have before I have it. So, something like “I am so thankful to God for the 20 closed escrows I had in 2011.” Or “I am so thankful to God that I am in a beautiful size 10 sun dress on my trip to France in September 2011 or something better.” You are probably thinking again then why are you not at goal yet? Again, I believe the key is to do this every day. And, I am sorry to say that I did not do it every day in 2010, I actually began doing it in June when I learned the technique at one of the Prosperity Princesses meetings.

Being Joyous - And, what I believe is the most important thing is having all that you want out of life, including being at an ideal weight – is to be in a state of joy. To be joyous. Now what does that mean? A year ago I would have said I have no idea, but now I know exactly what it means. It is that feeling when you feel at peace, happy, calm, relaxed, and in awe – your description might be a little different than mine, but you get the idea. I know that oftentimes I feel this way for only a moment or an hour or a day and then it fades. It goes away – poof my joyous feeling is gone. And, then I am like crap -come back, come back! Some of the times I can remember vividly having this feeling are when I was gardening in my garden - even though it was hard work and I was sweating (LOL) - I would have this feeling of AWE –maybe something about digging in the dirt? Other times I could just sit in my backyard listening to the fountain and the birds chirping and go to that place. When I was in Hawaii I felt this way often. The sunshine makes me feel this way. Now I know why I used to be such a sun worshiper when I was younger! While taking Cleo for a walk I would have moments of this feeling if I would let myself and I wasn’t in a hurry to get back to the house. What I found is that if I would just be present with what I was doing and observe my surroundings I would go to this place. Sometimes it would happen when I was listening to a friend talk or looking at a child smile. But, the key is to stay in this state as much as possible, then I believe all things are possible because God, the creator, whatever you want to call him/her, is in the things I am talking about, is in each one of us. We just need to be in this state of joy and all will be manifested as we want. It sounds so simple. I have spent about six months observing my states – observing when I am joyous and when I am sad or angry or any other emotion other than joyous and I am getting better at being joyous. At least now I know what to strive for – catch me on January 1, 2012 – then I will really know if I am correct about being a state of joy and manifesting what we want out of life.

So, those are my insights into how spirituality works into releasing weight and getting anything you want in life. Try it! It can work - if you do it consistently - which is what I am going to do in 2011!

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