About this blog

This is a new decade for all of us and will be a new journey for me as I turn the corner on my forties into the realm of my fifties. Hard to believe. I invite you to follow my health and fitness journey as I reach my goal of wearing a size 10-12 while I am 50 years old. I know this will be a blog filled with joys, accomplishments, and probably even some setbacks, but the over all goal will be to keep going, keep moving, keep releasing weight to be a fit and healthy 50-year-old.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

What I learned about exercise in 2010

In 2010 I certainly exercised A LOT, and tried numerous types and forms of exercise. I'm going to recap what I learned during the last 365 days, and describe what types of exercise I did. The biggest thing I learned is very simple, and very obvious, but sometimes we seem to forget this and make exercise a chore. Move. Yes, that's it - Move. You just have to Move, in any way that you like and to a degree that sometimes challenges you a lot and sometimes just a little. Make sense? I used to think that if I didn't do 60 minutes of intense exercise I wasn't exercising enough. And, that if I didn't have 60 minutes to devote to a hard core exercise that I couldn't, shouldn't and wouldn't exercise. But, this year I learned differently. I learned to just get out there and move. Of course certain exercises have more benefit and burn more calories, but I learned not to obsess on that and just move. My GoWearFit monitor was instrumental in showing me how many calories each exercise burns. I quickly learned that just getting out there and moving burns calories with the monitor.  As I said I exercised many hours this year. I should count them up. On second thought, NO - that would take too long. LOL! Here is a list of all the types of exercise I did this year in no particular order:

Dancing - Yes dancing is exercise - believe me it is! And, fun with your hubby! When you are sweating up a storm you know it is, plus the good old GoFitWear monitor said it burned a lot of calories.

Mini Trampoline - Much harder than it seems. It really gets your heart rate up and is good for your lymphatic system and detoxification. About Rebounding

Boot Camp - What can I say? Only for the brave. The first couple of days were super hard, but my body got used to it. Always and intense high calorie burning hour of fun!

Walking - I can't even imagine how many miles I walked in 2010. If I had to guess I would say more than 600. I thinking walking is one of the best exercises and it is so awesome to be outside in the sunshine and nature. The treadmill is good too, but I enjoy walking outside in a beautiful setting more. Many of my walking miles were logged taking Cleo, my adorable dog, for two walks a day (most days, but not all) - just 10-20 minutes each, but it all adds up!!

Kettle Balls - These things are great for strength training and cardio. You really work up a sweat fast using these. If you don't know what they are check it out.  About Kettle Balls

Golf - I love golfing! And, it burns a ton of calories and it is outside. Can you see a theme? I really like any kind of outside exercise best. Of course if you walk you burn more calories than if you take a cart, but in my case even if I take a cart I burn a lot of calories chasing after my ball. LOL!

Pilates - Great for flexibility and it works the smaller muscles that you don't work doing many other exercises, an excellent complement to weight training.

Weight Training - I have done weight training on and off for many years, and I am familiar with many different exercising with both free weights and machines. Excellent for building muscles which burn more calories, and we all want to burn more calories, right?

Wii Fit - I know this doesn't seem like exercise, but you try doing the exercises on that and see if you sweat. I know I did! And, it is fun too.

Mud Run - Only for the brave. I can't even believe that I did this. I did walk the whole way, but hey I made it. It was very inspirational to be around all the really fit people. I am debating whether or not to do this again when I am leaner. The experience of a lifetime!

IntenSati - This class is awesome! I did this at the Biggest Loser Resort in Malibu. I wish they had these classes somewhere near my home. IntenSati is a revolutionary high-energy cardio workout created by Patricia Moreno. This method of training is based on the teachings of mindfulness, positive psychology and the law of attraction. The practice radically combined aerobics, martial arts and endurance principles with positive affirmations. Check it out on the link.

Hiking - Oh boy! Hiking is great, and burns a ton of calories, plus you are out in nature. I went on many amazing hikes in Utah, Malibu and right in my own backyard - well not really in my backyard, but you know what I mean. You know you are exercising because at times it is very intense, but since you are in nature and it doesn't seem to be that hard.

Biggest Loser Resort - Great place. I learned a lot there about eating and exercising. Main thing is calories in calories out - just like your check book. That was an epiphany for me!

Water Aerobics - Who would think moving around in a pool would be so rigorous? But, it really is a great workout. I used to think it was just for old ladies and people who aren't very fit, but noooooo it is a fantastic calorie burner.

Kickboxing - One of my favorites. I just love kicking things. What is that all about? LOL! Burns a ton of calories and lots of fun!

Stretch - I didn't realize I had become so un-limber. I used to be so limber, but not anymore. This is a great thing to do and I need to do more of it. You really realize which muscles you need work on when you start to stretch, and after all the concentrated exercising it is a must. I need to more of this.

Boxing - Another one of my favorites. I just love punching things. My poor trainer Marc! Tons of fun and burns a ton of calories.

I'm sure I forgot something. But, that is quite a list as I look at it. So, I couldn't have done it without my trainer Marc, my Pilates instructor Janice and Jason the Boot Camp leader. And, there are links about most of the above in my links section you can check out too!

In 2011 I want to incorporate some new fitness encounters (My new name for exercise. Sounds better doesn’t it?)  into my life this year including: Zumba, Yoga, 5K and 10K races, Spinning, and Cycling. And, I want to play a lot more golf this year and hike more too. Basically, make sure you do some cardio exercises to strengthen your heart and burn calories, some strength training exercises that help build muscle, and some stretching exercising to keep up your flexibility. There are many other types of fitness encounters you could try too like tennis, racquetball, swimming, surfing, skiing, snowboarding, paddle boarding, team sports like softball, basketball etc. to name a few. For me exercise is the easy part. Tomorrow more on eating and food – that is a whole other issue for me! So, that is the exercise recap for 2010. 2011 here I come to enjoy many more fitness encounters. How about you?

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