About this blog

This is a new decade for all of us and will be a new journey for me as I turn the corner on my forties into the realm of my fifties. Hard to believe. I invite you to follow my health and fitness journey as I reach my goal of wearing a size 10-12 while I am 50 years old. I know this will be a blog filled with joys, accomplishments, and probably even some setbacks, but the over all goal will be to keep going, keep moving, keep releasing weight to be a fit and healthy 50-year-old.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


I have been thinking about this quote from the IntenSATI class I took at the Biggest Loser Resort. I think this is something I need to remember. I still need to find my fun, crazy, memorable, exciting, meaningful activity, but for now I need to remember that I am READY, I am WILLING and I sure as heck am ABLE! And, along with that I am thinking the right thoughts to create new happy cells and the great experiences I want in life.

And, here are some inspiring words from Louise Hay's blog  on the importance of choosing healthy foods and healthy thoughts. So, let's eat healthy nutritious  foods and think positive thoughts!
You have a Choice
The best way for us to keep fit and healthy is for us to watch what we eat and think. Our choices of thoughts and food are the major parts of either poor health or good health. Life has given us unlimited choices and it’s up to us to educate ourselves on what really works for us. We’re all unique individuals and have our own special needs. So be aware of how your choice of thoughts makes you feel. When you choose angry or bitter thoughts, do you “feel” good? Wouldn’t you feel better if you chose a thought like, “All is well in my world”?

It’s the same with foods. Do you choose foods with the pretty picture on the package and then feel tired and irritable a little while after you’ve eaten it? Or do you choose natural foods that build up your energy and create healthy new cells? For the next week, be aware of your choices of thoughts and foods. You can create good health one food at a time, and one thought at a time!

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