About this blog

This is a new decade for all of us and will be a new journey for me as I turn the corner on my forties into the realm of my fifties. Hard to believe. I invite you to follow my health and fitness journey as I reach my goal of wearing a size 10-12 while I am 50 years old. I know this will be a blog filled with joys, accomplishments, and probably even some setbacks, but the over all goal will be to keep going, keep moving, keep releasing weight to be a fit and healthy 50-year-old.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Gofitwear Addiction...LOL

Here is the update on the monitoring system. First of all it is totally cool and worth the investment so far. It is so motivating to see how many calories I am burning. It looks like my workout this morning burned about 320 calories and my dancing lesson burned about 185 calories. I’m going to have to get those numbers up to win this darn contest. My daily total of calories burned so far is 2768, and my food intake is 1698 for the day. So, that is a calorie deficit so far today. I feel like I am addicted to looking at these numbers, just alike a CrackBerry addict. LOL. You all know who your are! You know the people who have to keep looking at their Blackberry every two seconds to see who called, or emailed or texted them. Well, now I am a Gofitwear addict. Hahahahahah! I’m pretty funny! Anyway, tomorrow I am going to run on the treadmill and see how many calories I burn doing that. Obsession!!! I always knew I was easily obsessed, and I am certainly preoccupied with my new toy. OH I mean tool!

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