About this blog

This is a new decade for all of us and will be a new journey for me as I turn the corner on my forties into the realm of my fifties. Hard to believe. I invite you to follow my health and fitness journey as I reach my goal of wearing a size 10-12 while I am 50 years old. I know this will be a blog filled with joys, accomplishments, and probably even some setbacks, but the over all goal will be to keep going, keep moving, keep releasing weight to be a fit and healthy 50-year-old.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

12 More Days Until I go back to the Biggest Loser Resort and 12 Types of Emotinal Eaters

Today I worked out with Marc and ate well - made some great fish tacos for dinner. Tomorrow the plan is to go to the gym in the morning for either spinning or Zumba - both classes are at the same time. I am starting to get exciting about going back to the resort. I realize it will jump start me again on my journey. Soon we will be seeing great results - I know it!

Here are the 12 types of emotional eaters according to the book
Shrink Yourself: Break Free from Emotional Eating Forever, by Roger Gould

Type 1. Dulling The Pain With The Food.
If you get really hungry when you feel angry, depressed, anxious, bored, or lonely, you suffer from Type 1 emotional hunger, and you use food to dull the pain that these emotions cause.

Type 2. Sticks And Stones May Break Your Bones, But Cake Won't Heal What Hurts You.
According to Dr. Gould and Mastering Food, if you react by getting hungry when others talk down to you, take advantage of you, belittle you or take you for granted, then you suffer from Type 2 emotional hunger. You eat to avoid confrontation.

Type 3. A Full Heart Fills An Empty Belly.
If you crave food when you have tension in your close relationships, you suffer from Type 3 emotional hunger. You eat to avoid feeling the pain of rejection or anger.

Type 4. Hate Yourself, Love Your Munchies.
If you tend to become hypercritical of yourself, if you label yourself "stupid," "lazy," or "a loser," you have Type 4 emotional hunger. You eat to "stuff down" self-doubts.

Type 5. Secret Desires Have No Calories.
If your hunger gets activated because your intimate relationships don't satisfy some basic need like trust or security, you suffer from Type 5 emotional hunger and you use food to try to fill the gap, according to Dr. Gould.

Type 6. Forty Gulps And The Well Is Still Empty.
If you eat to make up for the deprivation you experienced as a child, you have Type 6 emotional eating.

Type 7. It's My Pastry, and I'll Eat If I Want To.
If you eat to assert your independence because you don't want anyone telling you what to do, you have Type 7 emotional hunger.

Type 8. I Can't Come To Work Today--I'm Eating
According to Dr. Gould and Mastering Food, if your appetite kicks in when you're faced with new challenges--if you use food to avoid rising to the test, or to insulate yourself from the fear of failure--you have Type 8 emotional hunger.

Type 9. Aroused by Aromas, Not by the Chef.
If you stuff your face in order to avoid your sexuality-either to stay overweight so that nobody desires you or to hide from intimate encounters--you suffer from Type 9 emotional hunger.

Type 10. I'll Beat You With this Éclair.
Emotional eaters often eat to pay back those who have hurt them, often in the distant past. They use their bodies as battlegrounds for working out old resentments. If you do this, you're really battling type 10 emotional hunger

Type 11. Peter Pan and the Peanut Butter Cookie.
If you eat to make yourself feel carefree, like a child, you have Type 11 emotional hunger. You eat to keep yourself from facing the challenges of growing up.

Type 12. That Stranger In Shorts Wearing Your Face.
If you overeat because you fear getting thin, either consciously or unconsciously, you have Type 12 emotional hunger.

I can say, unfortunately, that I am learning to deal with the fact that I do emotionally eat for some of those reasons - reasons one, three, ten and twelve for sure! I'm working on it - Work in Progress Here!

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