About this blog

This is a new decade for all of us and will be a new journey for me as I turn the corner on my forties into the realm of my fifties. Hard to believe. I invite you to follow my health and fitness journey as I reach my goal of wearing a size 10-12 while I am 50 years old. I know this will be a blog filled with joys, accomplishments, and probably even some setbacks, but the over all goal will be to keep going, keep moving, keep releasing weight to be a fit and healthy 50-year-old.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Organic Broccoli from the garden

Yesterday was my 45th day on my journey. My how time flies. It seems like I just started this blog - actually no - it seems like I have been doing it for years! Seeing that in my food log book, I realized that one day I will see day 365. That will be very exciting for me. My goal now is to get down another ten pounds by March 1st - now that I don't have to worry about Las Vegas temptations I should be fine. Tonight I made dinner with brown rice, chicken coated with ground pecans (nummy), and yes it was organic chicken and brown rice. The best part of the meal was the broccoli that I picked in my garden and cooked within minutes of picking it. It was so sweet - I think it was the best broccoli I have every had. And, I am not kidding!! Soon I will have cabbage, brussel sprouts, and a host of different salad fixings, plus some other vegetables I'm sure I will be telling you about once I pick and eat them. I can't wait. Oh, and my fruit trees have pretty little blossoms on them - should be seeing some tiny little apricots, peaches, plums, nectarines,lemons, limes and oranges soon. It is so exciting to pick my vegetables and fruits right out of my backyard, especially after reading about genetically modified fruits and vegetables. Today I did Pilates in the a.m. with Janice, and did my Euclid walk with my friend, Laurie. So, that's two hours of exercise. Woo Hoo!! Melt that fat - Melt that fat right off my body!!!

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