About this blog

This is a new decade for all of us and will be a new journey for me as I turn the corner on my forties into the realm of my fifties. Hard to believe. I invite you to follow my health and fitness journey as I reach my goal of wearing a size 10-12 while I am 50 years old. I know this will be a blog filled with joys, accomplishments, and probably even some setbacks, but the over all goal will be to keep going, keep moving, keep releasing weight to be a fit and healthy 50-year-old.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Thoughts become Things

I was feeling tired on my journey today. I was moping around like a sad little girl. I was looking for something to rejuvenate my enthusiasm for my quest. I kept feeling like I just wanted things to happen faster than they are - I just want to see the scale move more quickly. Then after my Prosperity Princess meeting today, where we talk about the book Infinite Possibilities, I realized that it is my beliefs that are affecting my thoughts, which makes me overweight. I have to change my beliefs about certain things, about a lot of things to change my thoughts, which I am doing slowly but surely. I also realize now that I am writing this, after not writing much for the last four or five days, that writing this blog and reflecting is helping me in more ways than releasing weight. It is helping me change my beliefs and change my thoughts. The past several days were some of the most emotionally trying days I have had in my life. And, I didn't write...I didn't reflect and that made everything much worse than it had to be. And, I am sorry. And, hopefully the person who I am saying I am sorry to knows who they are. I know now that I must reflect on my feelings.

Here are some interesting insights about our thoughts and weight loss from Mike Dooley, author of Infinite Possibilities, that really helped me get myself recharged and excited about my journey (MY INPUT IN CAPS):

"'Thoughts become things' says as much as possible, in as few words as possible, about the nature of our reality and how we can make the most of it. I believe in the truth behind these three words, without exception. I believe there are no mitigating factors, nor any other outside forces that determine the outcomes of our lives, however, and this is a huge however, this principle applies to all of our thoughts, not just the five minutes we may spend visualizing each day. And when you realize that we think thousands and thousands of thoughts every day BOY DO I THINK AT LEAST A THOUSAND THOUGHTS A DAY. HAVE YOU EVERY REALLY LISTENED TO YOUR THOUGHTS, EVERY THOUGHT FOR EVEN AN HOUR. WEWWWWW, paying little attention, if any, to them, it behooves everyone to ask the billion dollar question, "How can I direct, or program, my normal thinking mind, my wandering imagination, so that it produces thoughts that are aligned with the things I want, be them weight loss, a new Bentley, or improved relationships?" And the answer is to work with and align your beliefs with the things and events you want to experience.

Beliefs are all important when it comes to affecting changes in our lives because they filter, limit, and inspire the mighty thoughts that run through our heads. If someone believes, for instance, that they gain weight easily, or if they typically think of themselves as "overweight," then they will likely entertain fearful images of themselves gaining weight every time they eat, and such mental images will eventually come to pass. How? Through the magic of the Universe. Circumstances will creep and situations arise that will have them turning to food more often than they otherwise would have, and that's just the beginning. Their metabolism will literally slow down, their hopes will be dashed, they'll become less physically active, depression might arise, and the pounds will easily arrive. You see, this principle is non-judgmental. Our thoughts, all of them, strive to become things, whether or not they are helpful or harmful. That's why we're so powerful, because we can think as we choose, which in turn commissions the entire Universe to deliver what we've thought about, and that's also why we need to be so responsible with what we choose to focus upon. As above (in thought), so below (in matter). THAT IS INTERESTING! ISN’T THAT A BIBLICAL REFERENCE?

Of course, there are other, more complicated reasons why someone might be dealing with weight issues, but again, these would always be tied to limiting and/or conflicting beliefs, which then trigger or suppress similar thoughts, which then set into motion the Universe. Perhaps someone believes that "relationships never last and always end painfully," or that physical pleasures are "bad," or that in order for someone's spirituality to shine, less emphasis should be placed on physical appearances. Such thinking will very deliberately, though covertly, set someone on a path where they will actually sabotage their "less important" desire and efforts to lose weight. Deep down they want to avoid having to deal with those "greater" issues that they believe will arise from losing weight. OH MY GOSH THAT IS ME! I’M GOING TO CHANGE THOSE BELIEFS.

The trick with beliefs, and really this is the ultimate lesson we all must learn in time and space, is that they come first, prior to their manifestations, even though it appears that we only believe something as a result of our experiences. Most people feel like their beliefs are based on their life's observations of reality, but what really happened is that their beliefs formed their reality. People are not overweight so much because of what they eat, but because of what they think. OH DEAR! THAT DOES MAKE SENSE. Their thinking, their beliefs, dictate the foods they eat, the exercise they get, their metabolism, their hopes and optimisms (or lack thereof), and then through the magic of the Universe, their expectations are met in the flesh by way of the accidents, coincidences, and circumstances of their lives. Always, our thoughts rule, and always, it's our beliefs that govern the vast majority of our thoughts.

So how do you work at uncovering these so-called "hidden" beliefs? First off, they're not so hidden. Their effects are everywhere in our lives! Just look to the issues you're grappling with and the limiting beliefs are just beneath them. I KNOW WHAT A BIG ONE OF MINE IS. IT CAME UP IN THE LAST SEVERAL DAYS. Second, these beliefs can quite easily be ferreted out through the use of our truth barometers, our feelings. Follow your feelings, and then ask yourself questions. If something doesn't feel right, ask yourself why, and ask yourself if the reason is truly valid and still serving you. Third, watch yourself. We can't help but to think, speak and act in line with our beliefs, so if you catch yourself saying something like, "relationships never last," or you find yourself avoiding intimacy with someone you love, or entertaining daydreams that forecast unpleasant circumstances like weight gains or arguments, I NEED TO WORK ON THIS FOR SURE immediately realize you've just discovered some "hidden" beliefs at work—not aspects of reality, but your expectations of reality. Immediately remind yourself of the greater truths you know that exist, and perhaps think of people you know that seem to live according to a different set of rules than you, using such people and their lives as proof that you do have choices over how to view your situation.

Finally, rather than tell someone trying to lose weight that they should just visualize being thinner (which IS good advice), they must also take an honest look at their beliefs about themselves, their body, their relationships, and anything else that affects how they feel about their appearance."


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