About this blog

This is a new decade for all of us and will be a new journey for me as I turn the corner on my forties into the realm of my fifties. Hard to believe. I invite you to follow my health and fitness journey as I reach my goal of wearing a size 10-12 while I am 50 years old. I know this will be a blog filled with joys, accomplishments, and probably even some setbacks, but the over all goal will be to keep going, keep moving, keep releasing weight to be a fit and healthy 50-year-old.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Five days and counting.....

I am counting down the days until I go to the resort....I know I keep saying that, but I really am. I am so ready to go - I have gotten so off track on my eating and my mindset. I do always manage to workout though. What is with that? This morning was a great workout, but very difficult. Not sure if it was the rainy gloomy weather - on May 18th (what is up with that?) or the fact I only slept 5 and a half hours, or the fact that I had a little bit of a food fest at the birthday party that made it so challenging for me. But, I managed to make it through - I always do. Game on!

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