Friday, December 31, 2010
Day 365 of my journey - Happy New Year!
WOW! I can't believe it has been a whole year since I started my journey - and what a journey it has been - 314 posts later. I didn't quite make posting everyday! But, boy 314 posts that is a lot of words and thoughts. WOA! So, what can I say about the last year? I lost 21 pounds, not the 80 I had said I set out to lose, but I am very happy with what I have lost because I have gained so much in the process. And, I know I will be at a healthy fit weight soon! It is rather odd to recap an entire year in words - something maybe I should do every year. It really makes one think about how each moment of life should be lived to the fullest. Looking back over my year I can say I have definitely had my ups and my downs - more ups than downs thank goodness! I have had quite an emotional journey looking back at my posts, and I have done many hours of exercise, plus I have tried a variety of new recipes and foods, and I have had a pretty fun year as a whole. And, I think this year has served as a year of learning, growing and figuring out how to release weight. I think I have it figured out now after many starts and stops and a lot of pondering, thinking and reading. We will see what the next few months shows weight release wise. In the meantime I am going to talk about what I have learned about exercising tomorrow, what I have learned about eating on Sunday and what I have learned about emotions, feelings, integrity, accountability, choices and consequences and all the other thought things on Monday, which by the way is what I think is by far the most important component in any weight loss journey. Hey, if you read my year of Blog posts that is more than obvious, isn’t it? Hahahahahaha! But, I think I have it under control now. I think I found the thing that will put everything into perspective. I know I am teasing now, but I will tell you all soon ….very soon. This year I learned to be a better gardener (still working on that!), learned to dance (sort of), taught some awesome students about International business, sold some houses, welcomed a new son-in-law into the family, welcomed two new grandson’s into the family, went to Las Vegas twice, celebrated my 11th wedding anniversary with Steve, saved a hummingbird, took a writing class, went to Universal Studios with my Pee Wee, and had the most fabulous 50th birthday ever, complete with a trip to Kona, Hawaii, a surprise limo ride and dinner with friends, fabulous and fun meals with many other friends and family, watching the Chargers win a shut out game (awesome) and swimming with dolphins. I truly am blessed and so very grateful for all that I have, and my wonderful family and friends, my great husband, my wonderful pets, and that I am continuing on this incredible journey. I wish everyone a happy, safe New Year’s. I am laying low finishing the last day of my juice fast, and really looking forward to my first day of healthy solid food and the first day of what I think is going to be the best year ever!!!! Blessing to all!
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Juice Fast Cleanse day four
I am in to the final hours of day four of the juice fast. It isn't quite as bad as it might seem. I really don't want food - some of it actually smells and sounds awful. I guess that is a step in the right direction since most of the food that smells and sounds bad is food that probably shouldn't be consumed by any human.LOL! Nachos at the movie theater! Icky!!! Tomorrow will be the last day of the fast though - five days is enough. I figure I will be bringing out 2010 in a healthy cleansed state. So, 2011 can be fabulous. Another plus will be not having a hangover on New Years day - which I can't even remember the last time I didn't have at least a little hangover on January 1st! More tomorrow.
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Juice Fast Cleanse Day Three
Okay day three is almost complete. Today I used my new juicer to make two gallons of juice - one had kale, parsley, carrots, beets, apple, celery, cucumber and ginger and the other has parsley, cucumber, celery, fennel and ginger. They both taste pretty good. So, we will see how I fair tomorrow. Today I had a massage this morning, which I think released more toxins because I felt very tired and sort of yucky afterward. I can't wait to see the benefits of this cleanse - they say after day three you start to feel really good. We shall see tomorrow. Time for me to get some more sleep.
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Juice Fast - day two
I made it through one day of the juice fast so far. It was okay. I was hungry and tired and felt just yucky is the best way to describe it. But, from what I have read that is what happens when your body releases all the toxins and crap that you have put in it over the years. So, I am actually surprised I don't feel a lot worse considering what I have done to my body over the years. I will make it through today and hopefully when I get my juicer and can juice my own drinks I will be revived and able to do the fast for at least a day or two more. No promises though. From all I have read they say it is good to work up to a long juice fast, but they also say you should do it during a time when you don't have much going on. So, this week is the perfect time for me since I am just sort of organizing around my house and office. Okay, now it is 9 p.m. and I made it through today - but not without feeling not so good, and being very cold. And, I even went to an after Christmas Party and didn't partake of any of the goodies. Tomorrow I am getting a massage to help release more toxins. That should be good!!!!
Monday, December 27, 2010
Day 361....only four more to go for 2010
Today is the 361rd day of 2010 and the 361rd day of my journey. It has been a doozey, hasn't it? I can say I have learned a lot. I have been reviewing my posts so I can reflect on them on New Years Day. But, the big news today is that I have decided to do a juice fast cleanse starting this morning. I have ordered a juicer that should arrive via UPS tomorrow. Cleo and I are always so excited when the doorbell rings during the day because it is usually UPS. really it is!!! :) I was going to wait until the new year to do the juice cleanse, but decided yesterday - why wait....Do it now! So, I researched juicers and ended up buying the Omega VERT- HD. And, then I went to Whole Foods to buy all my organic vegetables and fruits (Unfortunately, my garden doesn't have too much it it right now.) and some Evolution juice to get my through today until my juicer arrives tomorrow. So, I will share how the juice fast goes. I would like to do it for 7-10 days - one of the reasons I decided to start now. Because come January 3rd I am going to be really working hard to get more real estate business, which means less time for personal things, and more hours working for this girl! Time for my next glass of juice. More later.
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Merry Christmas Everyone!!!
Today will be a day that I am eating as I please. Prime Rib, Mormon Potatoes, and broccoli casserole for dinner. But, I will be doing a juice fast soon - not sure if I will do it next week or wait until after the new year.
"Your thoughts and beliefs of the past have created this moment, and all the moments up to this moment. What you are now choosing to believe and think and say will create the next moment and the next day and the next month and the next year." - Louise L. Hay
I must have been thinking some good thoughts because today is turning out to be a great Christmas!!!! Keep thinking those good thoughts! Merry Christmas everyone!
"Your thoughts and beliefs of the past have created this moment, and all the moments up to this moment. What you are now choosing to believe and think and say will create the next moment and the next day and the next month and the next year." - Louise L. Hay
I must have been thinking some good thoughts because today is turning out to be a great Christmas!!!! Keep thinking those good thoughts! Merry Christmas everyone!
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Today I baked. Probably not the best thing for someone with a blog called fit by fifty to do. LOL! Anyway, I made fudge, shortbread, and English toffee. Tomorrow I am making jam thumbprints and maybe something else. Don't worry - I am not going to eat all of the goodies. I did sample a couple bites of the English toffee that broke off. No really! I am making tins with these goodies in them to give away at a Christmas Eve party. I know I shouldn't be giving away sweet stuff, but you know what it is only once a year. So.... I did it. I will be back on track in January. For now I am still nursing my sickness and my sore back. I'm sort of a wreck, but I know I will be better soon.
Monday, December 20, 2010
Still Organizing
I have to laugh because according to my blog I started organizing my office on December 9th and guess what I am still at it. Getting closer to organization - decided to look through all of my old files - found tax returns from 1987. Guess I don't need those anymore! LOL! The point of all this is to be organized to jump start the new year business wise. So, I better get back to it. I still haven't done any exercise because I am fighting a monster flu or cold. All, I can manage is moving a few files around my office. I hope I get well soon!
Saturday, December 18, 2010
I am officially sick....
I have a sore throat now, and a crazy frog-like voice to go with it, plus my back still hurts. So, needless to say I have not done any exercise. I am trying to nurture myself back to health, while trying to get ready for Christmas too. As I look back on my posts it looks like I was sick earlier in the year and that sickness coincided with an incident where I felt hurt by someone. Funny that I am sick again after having hurtful words with my brother last weekend. I am thinking that my emotions really do dictate how I feel. So, I am going to focus on good thoughts for myself and disown all who say or think hurtful or bad things or thoughts about me. Plus, I am going to take my greens, drink lots of water, rest and eat healthy. And, I will be better very soon and back on my journey!!!
Thursday, December 16, 2010
A message for me......
You are sooo close! Don't give up! Keep pushing ahead. Keep reaching for your goal. The Fae are letting you know that the next step in your life is right around the corner! However, you must take this time to shield yourself and keep yourself away from those who may cause you harm or ...any lack in confidence. Cleanse your world! Detox it! It would also help you if you were to detox a bit. Only a small cleanse. Nothing big. But honor your feelings at this time because they will be at their purist! ♥
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Out of commission
I didn't workout this morning or yesterday because some how I hurt my lower back over the weekend - could have been all the driving, or the hard seats and the Charger game or maybe a combo of that and tight hamstrings from my walks up the hill last week combined with inactivity sitting and driving. I am feeling some better now - but yikkeess not a good feeling! I am hoping to be back to normal by Thursday - back to doing my 1-3 miles a day, plus workouts. And, now I still have to get a tree, decorate and go shopping for Christmas - so I better feel better real soon! Reiki! And, positive thoughts for me.
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Best football game ever!!!
The Charger game today was awesome - great seats and all that manifesting that they win worked.Hahahahahaha! No really?! Score 31-0 Chargers! Woo Hoo!! I had an great weekend. But, I do wonder why some people have such an affect on a person. Why do we listen to the negative things people say about us?
Thursday, December 9, 2010
3.2 miles yesterday and 1.2 today
That's right, I walk/jogged three miles yesterday with my husband, Steve, and Cleo, by wonderful doggie - not sure how much they liked it. LOL! Actually Cleo liked it a lot - lots of things to smell and see, if you know what I mean. I think Steve got an idea of what I did at the Biggest Loser Resort when I told him the hikes were twice as long and then five more hours of exercise. I could see him sort of cringe! Today I did the short route with just the pup. I plan to alternate lengths to build up to my goals. I plan to sign up for a 5K and a 10K with my friend Sue - soon we will know which ones. Other than that I have spent almost the entire day cleaning and organizing my office to get a head start on a great year in Real Estate next year. That has been a lot of mental exercise. LOL! No really - I am not the best organizer - right now I haveeverything out of all my cabinets and bookshelves and only a small portion put back. Argh! I will finish it up tomorrow, after my 2.2 mile walk in the morning. Then we are off to San Diego for the Charger game on Sunday. Woo Hoo!
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Be careful of what you wish for....
Suzanne, not just because you might get it, but because in the wishing, you may reinforce its absence in your life. Better to give a great, BIG "Yeehaa! Thank you! Whoohooo!" in advance for having already received it, and act as if you already have. Whoohoooo! The Universe
I get these daily emails with positive thoughts and this was the one today. Just like I said last night! Woo Hoo!!
I get these daily emails with positive thoughts and this was the one today. Just like I said last night! Woo Hoo!!
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Enough is Enough...back on the straight and narrow!!!
After Las Vegas....I have decided that I still need some monitoring so to speak. And, I have put my gowearfit monitor back on and am starting to log my calories on the website again. I found out that when not monitoring myself I went right back to my old habits - not good. But, now that is over!!! I had a great time in Las Vegas, even went to a night club until 4 a.m. - hence part of the problem, but also part of the fun! Hahahaha!!!! I guess we all need to have a little fun every now and then, but ever since I went to Hawaii (which was about a month ago) I have been way off of my fitness journey. I was having one big month long birthday celebration without any thoughts about eating healthy or exercising!!!! - which is the way it should be when you turn fifty!!!! LOL! But, now it is time to get back on track. I had a great workout this morning - oh boy was it hard though after all that time off. I guess I thought maintenance meant party time - well I guess since it was my birthday it WAS party time. Hahahaha! Okay! Now what? Just healthy eating and exercising regularly - no big pressure to make my goal by my birthday anymore since it is past. But, I still want to and will make my goal - I am hoping sometime in 2011. I am going to set some other fitness goals for myself this year. I am thinking maybe a mini triathlon, or a mini bi-athlon, or maybe a series of goals - 5K, 10K, bi-athlon, mini triathlon - not sure yet what I am going to do. Anyone done anything like this have any suggestions? The other thing that I am going to do is get my personal training certificate this year, and probably one in some sort of nutrition too. I'm going to act the part of what I am going to be NOW! And, most importantly I am going to be in a state of joy while enjoying life - always being in gratitude about what I have and thinking positive about what the future will bring.
“I have noticed that the Universe loves gratitude. The more grateful you are, the more goodies you get. When I say ‘goodies,’ I don’t mean only material things. I mean all the people, places, and experiences that make life so wonderfully worth living.” - Louise L. Hay
Hmmmmmm.....words to ponder. I'm going to keep thinking those good thoughts in gratitude! How about you?
“I have noticed that the Universe loves gratitude. The more grateful you are, the more goodies you get. When I say ‘goodies,’ I don’t mean only material things. I mean all the people, places, and experiences that make life so wonderfully worth living.” - Louise L. Hay
Hmmmmmm.....words to ponder. I'm going to keep thinking those good thoughts in gratitude! How about you?
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Practicing the Power of Joy to win
I am here in Las Vegas practicing the power of joy and positive thought to see if I can win big. I won some last night, but tonight I am really going to push the limits with my positivity to win! I know some my doubt, but we shall see what happens. I can see myself jumping for joy when I hit it big. And, I see a number with a lot of digets and zeros! really! :) On the food front - this is a tough place to keep on track food wise, but did a lot of walking today. I'll let you know how my positive thinking and vibe work works out tomorrow. Wish me luck!
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Las Vegas here I come....again
We are leaving to spend a few days in Las Vegas at the Bellagio. I am looking forward to going, but I know I probably won't get in any exercise. But, that is okay with me. I am going to work out tomorrow morning before we go - the first time since November 18th - uh oh that is two weeks. That's okay - I just took a little break. LOL! I'll be back to my schedule next week when we return home - hopefully a little richer! Woo Hoo! I'll keep you posted.
Monday, November 29, 2010
The Power of Joy
I had a fabulous Meditation tonight with my friend's Alysia, Janice (my pilates instructor) and Birkan, an awesome person and intuitive medium and Angel Therapy Practitioner® - led by Alysia. I drew the card The Power of Joy. Hmmmmm...I think the Universe is trying to affirm what I recently realized - To find the desired outcome follow the path of joy. That sounds really good to me about now - staying positive and filled with faith I can manifest all my desires into reality. Well, I probably need to lay off the See's candy too, don't you think? LOL! Also, during the meditation Birkan commented that we should not focus so much on how we will achieve something, but that we should have patience and perseverance, not limiting our creativity. This is a theme that seems to keep coming up for me in many ways - not to worry so much about the how, but to just keep on the path. Another thing that came to me during the meditation is that I will need to love myself more and be kinder to myself. Recently evidenced by how hard I have been on myself for eating some candy, pasta, sushi, and cheesecake. Love, love, myself and love the world. That is what I am going to do from now on!
Sunday, November 28, 2010
I have been totally off track for the last week. I know it was Thanksgiving week, but it seems I gave myself license to not workout and to eat very, very badly - including half a box of See's candy. Argh! My step-daughter, Stacy, was visiting so we went out to eat almost every meal. Argh! We had a great time, but it really did a number of my number, if you know what I mean. I am pretty sure I gained eight pounds. I am getting back on track tomorrow with meals and exercise - boot camp in the morning and healthy meals for this girl tomorrow. I guess I don't quite know how to eat mindfully yet, or I wouldn't have gorged myself on Mexican food, sushi, pasta, and the list goes on and on. Tomorrow is another day. Someone asked me today if I met my fit by fifty goal and I had to say that I had NOT made it. But, I still have a whole year of being fifty to make my goal, don't I? And, I am going to do it. Yes. I am!
Thursday, November 25, 2010
People with a strong sense of gratitude, love and appreciation don't necessarily have more than others; they simply recognize and see more beauty in their lives. Many studies suggest that people who count their blessings are generally happier and healthier than people who don't. If you ever feel as if anything in your life isn't "enough", try practicing an attitude of thankfulness. You might realize how good you have it after all.
And, I do know how good I have it and I am so grateful everyday for everyone I love in my life and all that I have!
I am thankful for my body that can move and exercise, and that my mind can learn and grow.
I am thankful for my awesome husband, Steve, and his unconditional love.
I am thankful for all amazing my stepdaughters and grandchildren.
I am thankful for my brother, and all of my family.
I am thankful for my always loving Cleopatra and Sam in my life.
I am thankful for my lovely home.
I am thankful for my beautiful yard and garden.
I am thankful to have all of my wonderful friends in my life.
I am thankful for all that I have learned on this journey and all that I still have to learn and beyond.
I am thankful for the love of my fabulous parents. I wish they were still here on this earth, but I know they are watching over me.
And, I could go on and on and on and on and on.....
I am truly blessed!
Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.
And, I do know how good I have it and I am so grateful everyday for everyone I love in my life and all that I have!
I am thankful for my body that can move and exercise, and that my mind can learn and grow.
I am thankful for my awesome husband, Steve, and his unconditional love.
I am thankful for all amazing my stepdaughters and grandchildren.
I am thankful for my brother, and all of my family.
I am thankful for my always loving Cleopatra and Sam in my life.
I am thankful for my lovely home.
I am thankful for my beautiful yard and garden.
I am thankful to have all of my wonderful friends in my life.
I am thankful for all that I have learned on this journey and all that I still have to learn and beyond.
I am thankful for the love of my fabulous parents. I wish they were still here on this earth, but I know they are watching over me.
And, I could go on and on and on and on and on.....
I am truly blessed!
Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Oh dear!
I am feeling like I need to maybe count calories again - feeling a bit out of control without my gowearfit band. Maybe I will have to put it back on and keep track of calories again. Maybe?
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Loving the Rain
Today is a very rainy day in California - so I didn't go to boot camp with Marc - not sure if he even had it because it is really pouring here. Having a wonderful time with Stacy and Makayla hanging out - dinner later with the rest of the kids for my birthday and Monica's birthday too. Should be fun! Trying to practice mindful eating - had a healthy breakfast. But, now faced with clam dip - practicing tasting it and only having a few bits - so far so good. Later the menu includes roasted chicken, peas and famous Mormon Potatoes, and salad. The plan is to load up on the salad and chicken and have a small portion of potatoes. So, let's see how this mindful eating works today. I plan to enjoy for sure!
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined. - Henry David Thoreau
Hmmmm....This is giving me ideas! I have been thinking about what I really want to do, not that I don't really like real estate and teaching, but that there may be another calling for me. Let me ponder this.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
More Ah Ha's!
The Universe keeps showing me that being in gratitude and letting go of FEAR - False Evidence Appearing Real - is the key to my journey. The subject came up again in a big way today in my Power of Focus Class at Keller Williams Realty taught by Wanda Peyton, who is a great motivational speaker and spiritual teacher. Today as I sat in the class almost every word spoken by Wanda and every person in the room seemed to be directly impactful for me. It was so awesome and yet so extraordinary - I really do believe we attract just the right people and places, and things into our lives when we are vibrationally in a good place and feeling happy. You know my favorite quote that I've quoted numerous times in this blog -"Whether you think you can or you think you can't - you are right." Well, today in class I turned around and looked at the back wall of the classroom, which I have been in probably a hundred times and there it was written in big bold words on the wall. I knew that the walls had motivational quotes on them, but never once had I noticed that particular one. It was crazy! Then Wanda told us about a recent visit with her granddaughter, who has Spinal Bifida, and about all the challenges this young woman has overcome with a loving light presence. The story nearly brought me to tears (actually it did), as she spoke of all the hardships this woman has in her day-to-day life and I could only think of one word – gratitude! Gratitude for all that I have in my life, for my healthy body that is able to move and walk and run (well not really run yet, but jog!), and do anything it pleases, and for all the abundance and love I have in my life. She spoke of cutting cords to get rid of negative connections, something I had learned earlier from Birkan Tore in the Atlantean Healing Class that I took earlier this year. But, for some reason when Wanda described how she “cut the cord” to the woman who was responsible for a car accident that killed her husband eight years ago, and how after cutting the cord to this woman she was able to live in light again something resonated deep inside my being. After today’s class, the people I met in Hawaii and a couple of CDs I have been listening to since I arrived home I think I have finally figured out how to release this weight forever and get all that I want. I know it sounds too easy to be true - but I am pretty sure what I need to do is have gratitude for all that I do have, live from a place of love not loss, keep in a state lightness and happiness, practice mindful eating, and move my body. I know that sounds too simple to be true, but I am pretty sure that is what will work. I’ll let you know as the weeks go on now that I have taken off my Gowearfit band, stopped reading books about weight loss, and stopped counting calories. Now the journey really begins!
Monday, November 15, 2010
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Best Birthday Celebration Ever
More celebrating my turning fifty!! Last night my husband surprised me with a Limo ride to Hollywood with eight of our friends. I had no idea - I was completely floored when I went outside and saw the limo in the street and then when I got in the car there were my friends. It was a fabulous night with dinner at Angelini Osteria and a fun ride in the limo with the wine flowing thanks to my friend's John and Kimiko, who have a vineyard - John Alan Winery. Again, I am feeling so blessed and grateful for all I have in my life. On Friday I celebrated with several of my closest girlfriends at Morton's - another fabulous restaurant. I almost forgot that my blog is about losing weight and here all I am talking about is food and wine. LOL! Well, I just had to celebrate fifty with some of my favorite foods and people! I do think there may be a little more celebration next weekend when my step-daughter Stacy comes to town. Well, you only turn fifty once, right?
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Acceptance and Gratitude
What does Acceptance mean? I used to think it meant you just took what you got and that it was sort of not the best word, but in looking at it more closely it actually means, according to the dictionary - "the fact or state of being accepted or acceptable." The reason I am writing about this is because I think that this is the key to releasing the rest of my weight. I now accept the state of my body as being acceptable just the way it is, not that I am not working toward releasing more weight, but that I am at peace with the way it is today and that I love myself, which means letting it go. Not letting it go by giving up, but letting it go by being happy with today and what is. A few weeks ago I was beginning to feel that I needed a break so I went into a maintenance stage until the end of the year - that was the plan at the time anyway. But, now after pondering and thinking for the last few weeks, I think the real solution is to just let it go and to let my fears go, and to stop focusing so much of my attention on me and my weight loss, diets, books, exercise, etc. Not to say I won't be exercising and be mindful of what I eat, but that is different than forcing the situation by mandating I eat this or that because some one said I should, or doing this or that exercise because someone told me it was the best one. Something happened to me over the last week or so. I'm not sure if was actually turning fifty. Or if it was the vacation to Hawaii and the people we met there. Or if it is the purpose of the journey I been on for the last ten months becoming clear. It is probably a little bit of each. But, I now have a sense of gratitude for my life and all the people in it that I have never had before it my entire life. I think this may just be the key to releasing the weight and to realizing all my dreams. Instead of focusing on what I don't want or have, it came to me that I need to be grateful for what I do have and not focus on what I don't have or want. Before we went to Hawaii and during the first few days of the trip I was filled with anxiety and fear - worried about the plane ride, worried about my pets at home, anxious about potentially going on a helicopter ride, scared of the dolphins, scared of the sail boat ride - I was a mess! For the weeks before the trip I had been in a state of anxiety too - about everything - almost seemingly irrational thinking. Well, it was irrational thinking, actually! Then over the last two weeks or so it just became clear for me through a series of events, conversations with different people, and ponderings, meditations and thoughts. My friend Michele told me a couple of weeks ago that she thinks that definition of depression is "incessant thinking about one's self." - which in thinking about it doesn't come from a place of gratitude. I realized on our trip that I was doing just that thinking incessantly about myself and my "problems" instead of being grateful for all that I have and all those I love in my life. So, I have let go of my anger, struggle, unforgiveness and lack of gratitude. And, I am living in a state of joy - joy for all the wonderful things I DO have in my life!! And, I am thinking about how I can give back with gratitude – maybe becoming a personal trainer that focuses on three aspects of weight release – what you eat (not a diet!), moving your body (not exercise!) and most importantly your thought processes and spirituality. Who knows maybe I can help a lot of people!
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Happy Birthday to really it is finally that day!
Today is my birthday - the big 50! And the last 315 days since I began this blog have been quite the journey. I have learned a lot - although I am not yet at my goal of a size eight. I have released 21 pounds though and I am going to maintain that weight release for awhile and then continue on my journey. I think I might revise that to a size ten or twelve though! I think I have grown as a person by setting out on this journey to release weight. I have learned much about myself and others. I have done a lot of exercising and done many different types of exercise - Pilates, hiking, bootcamp, Zumba, IntenSATI, cycling, boxing, walking, dancing, swimming, Cardio Disco Jam and treading to name a few. Not to mention doing the Mud Run at Camp Pendleton (I still can't believe I made it to the finish line!), going to the Biggest Loser Resort for three weeks, and most recently swimming with the dolphins in Hawaii. I was able to check off many of my 101 goals this year - including learning to ballroom dance, learning to meditate, going to The Ellen Show, taking a writing class, watching the sunset at the beach (did that a few times last week in Hawaii!), going to a musical (went to a couple thanks to Donna!), started my big garden to name a few. I can even pretty much tell you what weight training exercise to do for what muscle.I am actually thinking about getting my Personal Training Certificate now. I've also learned a lot about gardening, grown many vegetables and fruits, tried many new healthy recipes, learned about Chakras, and Atlantean and Animal Healing, read at least 20 books (no lie!). It's quite odd to have a running, public display of the last ten or so months of your life in words on the internet! But someone had to do it!!! LOL! I sure have had some ups and downs both on the releasing weight front and the living life front. A lot has happened in the since I began writing this blog - which I WILL continue writing. This has been such an awesome experience for me and I can't wait to see what the next year in store for me and all of my friends and loved ones. I wish us all a year of unconditional love and manifesting all that we want in life! So, on this day - my birthday - I want to thank everyone for their support and love while I have been on this journey!!! :)
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Swimming with Dolphins
Today was fabulous - I got to meet, pet (yes pet like a puppy), feed and swim with some dolphins today. It was awesome! This is something I have wanted to do for many years and is on my list of 101 things that I wanted to manifest in my life. So, it was super meaningful for me - thanks Steve! They are so gentle, yet strong. I have a couple of photos of me with one of the dolphins that I will post when I get home - forgot the connection cable to upload them. It was an extraodinary experience!! I loved it. We didn't end up going on the helicopter ride though - next visit to Hawaii - I think we will be back. Yesterday we drove to Hilo on the other side of the island and walked through a spectacular Botanical Garden that was right on the ocean in a very impressive cove - the walk was like going on a hike - the path was soooooo steep. It brought back memories of hiking in Utah!! LOL! We met some really nice ladies from Canada one night that said some things that really made me think that I am so lucky to have Steve in my life and that we really do have a special relationship - I can't believe I am writing this here, but it really needs to be said. This trip has reconnected us in a way - this place really is magical. Now I have to get ready for our last evening here and a sunset cruise on a Catamaran - should be cool!!!
Monday, November 8, 2010
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Posting from paradise
I am having a very relaxing time. Yesterday we were supposed to go on a helicopter ride around the island to see the volcano and the waterfalls from the air, but our trip was cancelled due to weather - it was cloudy and a little rainy yesterday. So, we rescheduled for Tuesday - hoping for super sunny skies that day. Today it is a little windy, but sunny and beautiful - it truly is paradise here. We laid out at the pool today and took it easy after a night of Kareoke last night - where I learned I really, really, really can't sing. LOL! No really I can't at all - it was border line embarrasing. hahaha! Next we are going to catch the sunset and eat some dinner. No formal exercise here - I'm taking a break while I'm here. We did walk probably a couple of miles yesterday - we went to check out the Hilton Hotel down the way on foot! It is really cool - like a mini Disneyland with a monorail and a boat that takes you around the huge grounds.
Friday, November 5, 2010
Aloha from Hawaii
We are here in Hawaii and it is just gorgeous. The hotel is really nice and we have a great view of the ocean from our room. The lava rock on the island is an interesting contrast to the tall waving palm trees and azul blue ocean. Really cool! Yesterday we just got settled and had a little sushi for dinner...nummy - some of the best I have ever had. I'm sure we will be going back for more - perhaps on Saturday night when the restaurant has Kareoke (sp?) too! LOL! We sat out on the shore and looked at all the stars in the night sky last night at about midnight - it really is amazing how many stars you can see out here in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. Absolutely astonishing - really makes you think - who or what is out there on all those planets in all those universes?
Today we took a dip in the pool, shopped around a craft boutique at the hotel and then went to Kona to walk around and shop a bit more and also drove to gorgeous bay - I can't remember the name of it. LOL! The names here are all so long and hard to pronounce! We have lots of fun planned this week. I'll fill you in on all the fun as we go along on our journey in paradise.
Today we took a dip in the pool, shopped around a craft boutique at the hotel and then went to Kona to walk around and shop a bit more and also drove to gorgeous bay - I can't remember the name of it. LOL! The names here are all so long and hard to pronounce! We have lots of fun planned this week. I'll fill you in on all the fun as we go along on our journey in paradise.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
The Power of Focus
Yesterday I took the first of four classes on the book The Power of Focus - a great book. I have read it before, but the class is a great refresher to some great practical information. Some insights from the class.
· Habits determine your future. - Isn't that the truth? In my case emotional eating is a habit, as are other things that lead me to the place I am today. But, I'm changing those habits slowly but surely.
· You have control over your habits. - This is true - but it does take at least 21 days they say to change a habit. My personal opinion is it probably takes longer depending on how long you have had the habit. So, if you have had a habit for twenty years, I really don't think 21 days is going to do it. I would say more like 180 days - or perhaps even more time.
· Focus on your strengths - discover your brilliance. - What a concept. So many of us are doing things that my not be our best strength or our passion. I for one am going to focus more on things that bring me joy and happiness.
· You teach people how to treat you. - This one struck me. I guess I we all need to teach people how to treat us how WE want to be treated, not how they want to be treated. Does that make sense?
· A goal is the ongoing pursuit of a worthy objective until it is accomplished. - Ongoing pursuit being key in this tidbit of information. Like my weight release journey it is an ongoing pursuit and it is a worthy objective. So, I will keep going until I accomplish this goal.
· If you are feeling complacent then you haven't said "YES" to life. - This one struck me too. Sometimes I have the tendency to sit on the sidelines so to speak and not jump in and do what I know I want to do.
Well, I am off to
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Only two more days to Hawaii
I am counting down the days. I really need this time in paradise. I need to regroup and regenerate and re-prioritize things. I've been doing a little too much thinking lately and need to just start doing, but a nice relaxing time in Hawaii will be the thing to set me straight.
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Today is Steve and my 11th wedding anniversary.....
and the last thing I am thinking about is what to eat and what exercise to do. I am in maintenance, right? I just need make sure that I do not gain back even one of the 21 pounds I have lost over the last 10 months. I am going to take a break from wearing my gofitwear monitor until I get back from Hawaii - I don't think the band will work to well in the water (LOL!) or look to good with a bathing suit on (LOL!). So, until November 11 - my birthday I won't be wearing my band. Ah, let's make it Monday November 15th. I will still be mindful of what I am eating and keep up my exercise. I really can't believe my birthday in is in only 11 days. I will be sort of glad when it is November 12 so I can just get on with being alive. Oh I am still in pursuit of wearing a smaller size and being even more fit. But, I also realize that I can't think about my weight every day of my life. This has been a learning experience for sure.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Welcome baby Anthony John to the world
Today Monica, one of my stepdaughters and Scott had their baby boy Anthony John. What a cutie - he is perfect in every way. I am so happy for them. The innocence of a newborn baby is so astoundingly calming and centering. I can't wait to babysit him and do fun things with him! I think I might even let him call my Grammy Suzy - yea that sounds good. I am going to be fifty after all. LOL! For him - I'll let him call me that!
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Self Love - what does that mean?
A few quotes about self love:
“He is his own best friend, and takes delight in privacy whereas the man of no virtue or ability is his own worst enemy and is afraid of solitude” - Aristotle
"Self-love is the greatest of all flatterers." - La Rochefoucauld
You, yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection." - Buddha
"Self-love, my liege, is not so vile a sin as self-neglecting." - William Shakespeare
"A low self-love in the parent desires that his child should repeat his character and fortune." - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Here are some of the definitions I found about SELF LOVE - "the instinct or tendency to seek one's own well-being or to further one's own interest" or "regard for one's own happiness or advantage" or "The instinct or desire to promote one's own well-being; regard for or love of one's self" or "excessive pride or vanity, over valuing the self."
WOW! Not really sure what to think now - should I have self esteem, self respect or self love? I need to digest all I have learned to comment fully on the definitions of these three words or concepts.
By the way this all stems from a conversation during my Prosperity Princesses group in which each one of these words was used interchangeable - but looking into the definitions of each word what is clear is that according to the dictionary, anyway, each word does mean something different. I will comment more tomorrow after I have a chance to ponder all of this. Hmmmmmm……
“He is his own best friend, and takes delight in privacy whereas the man of no virtue or ability is his own worst enemy and is afraid of solitude” - Aristotle
"Self-love is the greatest of all flatterers." - La Rochefoucauld
You, yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection." - Buddha
"Self-love, my liege, is not so vile a sin as self-neglecting." - William Shakespeare
"A low self-love in the parent desires that his child should repeat his character and fortune." - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Here are some of the definitions I found about SELF LOVE - "the instinct or tendency to seek one's own well-being or to further one's own interest" or "regard for one's own happiness or advantage" or "The instinct or desire to promote one's own well-being; regard for or love of one's self" or "excessive pride or vanity, over valuing the self."
WOW! Not really sure what to think now - should I have self esteem, self respect or self love? I need to digest all I have learned to comment fully on the definitions of these three words or concepts.
By the way this all stems from a conversation during my Prosperity Princesses group in which each one of these words was used interchangeable - but looking into the definitions of each word what is clear is that according to the dictionary, anyway, each word does mean something different. I will comment more tomorrow after I have a chance to ponder all of this. Hmmmmmm……
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Self Esteem - what is it?
A few quotes to ponder on self esteem.
”A man is the origin of his actions.”- Aristotle
"Happiness is that state of consciousness which proceeds from the achievement of one's values." - Ayn Rand
“Sooner or later, those who win are those who think they can.” - Richard Bach
Someone's opinion of you does not have to become your reality.-- Les Brown
A man cannot be comfortable without his own approval. - Mark Twain
Here are the definitions I found on SELF ESTEEM - "What our unconscious believes to be true about how worthy, lovable, valuable and capable we are." or "a realistic respect for or favorable impression of oneself" or "self-pride or a feeling of pride in oneself."
In looking at the definition of self respect and self esteem I see a subtle difference. It sounds like if one doesn't have self esteem - or a sense of worthiness and being comfortable with who one is and love for oneself one then they could easily not have self respect. And then do things, eat things, not work out, etc. because they don't feel they are worthy, or worth it. It seems that one can be very good at many things but yet still not have self esteem or self respect. It seems that respect for oneself is the way one treats them self - how they take care of their self, do what they say they will do, etc. It seems to have to do with integrity, as well, which is what I always say I don't have toward myself. This is a big ah ha for me. I get it. I actually really finally get it. I must have a favorable impression of myself not matter what anyone else says. I get it. Ah HA!
”A man is the origin of his actions.”- Aristotle
"Happiness is that state of consciousness which proceeds from the achievement of one's values." - Ayn Rand
“Sooner or later, those who win are those who think they can.” - Richard Bach
Someone's opinion of you does not have to become your reality.-- Les Brown
A man cannot be comfortable without his own approval. - Mark Twain
Here are the definitions I found on SELF ESTEEM - "What our unconscious believes to be true about how worthy, lovable, valuable and capable we are." or "a realistic respect for or favorable impression of oneself" or "self-pride or a feeling of pride in oneself."
In looking at the definition of self respect and self esteem I see a subtle difference. It sounds like if one doesn't have self esteem - or a sense of worthiness and being comfortable with who one is and love for oneself one then they could easily not have self respect. And then do things, eat things, not work out, etc. because they don't feel they are worthy, or worth it. It seems that one can be very good at many things but yet still not have self esteem or self respect. It seems that respect for oneself is the way one treats them self - how they take care of their self, do what they say they will do, etc. It seems to have to do with integrity, as well, which is what I always say I don't have toward myself. This is a big ah ha for me. I get it. I actually really finally get it. I must have a favorable impression of myself not matter what anyone else says. I get it. Ah HA!
Monday, October 25, 2010
What is self respect ?
Respect yourself and others will respect you. ~Confucius
Self-respect is the cornerstone of all virtue. ~John Herschel
I had an interesting day today - trying to figure out exactly what self respect is compared to self esteem, compared to self love. I think they all mean something a little different.
Tonight I will talk about self respect because I am leaning toward that being the most important. According to the dictionary the definition of SELF RESPECT is "due respect for oneself, one's character, and one's conduct" or "a proper respect for oneself as a human being."
Self-respect is the cornerstone of all virtue. ~John Herschel
I had an interesting day today - trying to figure out exactly what self respect is compared to self esteem, compared to self love. I think they all mean something a little different.
Tonight I will talk about self respect because I am leaning toward that being the most important. According to the dictionary the definition of SELF RESPECT is "due respect for oneself, one's character, and one's conduct" or "a proper respect for oneself as a human being."
Sunday, October 24, 2010
10 more days until Hawaii
I can't wait! I am excited to rest and relax in the land of beautiful beaches and weather. Kona here we come - for this Anniversay/Birthday trip. I guess I better practice relaxing!
Saturday, October 23, 2010
So you think you can dance
Tonight I went to the 100 Celebration for Community Hospital of San Bernardino - I used to work there in the late 1990's. Seems so long ago! It was a really cool night - and I got to see a lot of old friends, which was awesome. The honored many who have helped the hospital through out the years including a 100 year old man, and Sammy Davis Jr. - his daughter was there to accept for him. Then the program included dance routines - very cool. I sure to miss my dancing lessons! One of the dancers was Bengi who won on the TV show So You Think You Can Dance - pretty cool! Great evening for a great hopital. Hats off to all my friends who put on the show! I think I may just have to go back to dancing lessons!
Friday, October 22, 2010
Some quotes to ponder
Your thoughts are the architects of your destiny.
- David O. McKay
There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.
- William Shakespeare
Happiness is not a destination. It is a method of life.
- Burton Hills
You must motivate yourself EVERYDAY.
- Matthew Stasior
One must eat to live and not live to eat.
- Moliere
We either make ourselves happy or miserable. The amount of work is the same.
- Carlos Castaneda
Life is a succession of lessons which must be lived to be understood.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
Life can be found only in the present moment. The past is gone, the future is not yet here, and if we do not go back to ourselves in the present moment, we cannot be in touch with life.
- Thich Nhat Hanh
Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising up every time we fail.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined.
- Henry David Thoreau
You attract into your life, exactly what and who you are, based upon what you think
- Oprah
All that we are is the result of what we have thought.
- Buddha
The secret is the answer to all that has been, all that is and all that will ever be.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
And, my all time favorite.
Whether you think you can or think you can't - you are right.
- Henry Ford
Time to start thinking positive again and get the things I want out of life. In looking at these quotes I realize that I should have been thinking positive thoughts when I was in my funk. But, that is okay because I am now!
- David O. McKay
There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.
- William Shakespeare
Happiness is not a destination. It is a method of life.
- Burton Hills
You must motivate yourself EVERYDAY.
- Matthew Stasior
One must eat to live and not live to eat.
- Moliere
We either make ourselves happy or miserable. The amount of work is the same.
- Carlos Castaneda
Life is a succession of lessons which must be lived to be understood.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
Life can be found only in the present moment. The past is gone, the future is not yet here, and if we do not go back to ourselves in the present moment, we cannot be in touch with life.
- Thich Nhat Hanh
Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising up every time we fail.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined.
- Henry David Thoreau
You attract into your life, exactly what and who you are, based upon what you think
- Oprah
All that we are is the result of what we have thought.
- Buddha
The secret is the answer to all that has been, all that is and all that will ever be.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
And, my all time favorite.
Whether you think you can or think you can't - you are right.
- Henry Ford
Time to start thinking positive again and get the things I want out of life. In looking at these quotes I realize that I should have been thinking positive thoughts when I was in my funk. But, that is okay because I am now!
Thursday, October 21, 2010
...that is what I shall focus on until the end of the year. Thank goodness!!! I decided that being on a "diet" per say for ten months is a long time for even the hardiest of souls. And, lord knows I am not even that hardy - but I have been on this journey for a long time. According to my counselor it is best to "diet" for at the most four months. Ooopppsss! I went six months too many! That indeed was probably much of the source of my mood and my state the last few weeks. I think once I completed my three visits to the Biggest Loser Resort this year I just hit a wall, just like one of my supporters said. And, he was right – this marathon is continuing, but for now I am getting a much need drink of water so to speak and rest on my journey by focusing on maintaining my 21 pound weight loss. I still have more to go, but for now I will be focusing on keeping my weight the same, and if I lose in the process great - but that is not the goal. I feel so relieved!!! I will still be posting - no worries. At least there shouldn't be too many down days now that I am in this stage of my journey. I have some more exciting news too – that I will share soon.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Still struggling emotionally speaking....
Yesterday I went to my workout with my trainer, Marc and it was awesome - lots of boxing! Today I went to they gym on my own and did 45 minutes of cardio - skipped boot camp because of the pouring rain. I ate well yesterday and today too, but I am just not feeling that great - not that I am sick. I am just feeling down - maybe because the big 50 is looming. I'm not sure. Or.....I just don't know what it is, but I am just in a funk. I don't even know if funk is the right word. Again, I am just tired of the same old thing exercise, eat right, do this do that....blah...blah...blah!. And, I am not that excited about anythhing - even my upcoming trip to Hawaii. What is wrong with me? I'm thinking it is just the looming birthday with a certain number. I don't know. I can just get some rest tonight and see what tomorrow brings.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Monday, October 18, 2010
I said I would be back, but I am not quite ready.....or at least I thought
All the talk about hitting the wall, stressing myself out and a block, and I have now really hit the wall big time. I am feeling really out of it and very unmotivated. I am trying to get myself out of it. I am trying. I am just laying low for a few days. At this point I am crawling in my journey, but I have not given up. I will not give up. I am just like a snail now....a very, very slow snail! I have to admitt that I missed my boot camp this morning and my Pilates session this afternoon and I even had some wine this weekend. Tomorrow though this snail is going to begin to crawl a little faster on this Marathon race. Yes. She is! Tomorrow is a new day and a day for me to get back on track. Yes. I have to remember all the encouraging and postive things I have learned in my journey and put them into action. This is really, really odd and wierd, but just writing this I am feeling better all ready. I haven't really posted since last Wednesday - almost five days ago. I am realizing that writing this and expressing myself really helps me in keeping on my path and I need to remember that when I feel out of it and I just want to hide. Just like Nike says sometimes you have to "Just do it!" WOW! That was pretty easy - a little positive self talk and I am slithering along a little faster. I am thinking a good nights rest and tomorrow will be a beautiful day! I hope!
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Friday, October 15, 2010
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
I have been thinking about this quote from the IntenSATI class I took at the Biggest Loser Resort. I think this is something I need to remember. I still need to find my fun, crazy, memorable, exciting, meaningful activity, but for now I need to remember that I am READY, I am WILLING and I sure as heck am ABLE! And, along with that I am thinking the right thoughts to create new happy cells and the great experiences I want in life.
And, here are some inspiring words from Louise Hay's blog on the importance of choosing healthy foods and healthy thoughts. So, let's eat healthy nutritious foods and think positive thoughts!
You have a Choice
The best way for us to keep fit and healthy is for us to watch what we eat and think. Our choices of thoughts and food are the major parts of either poor health or good health. Life has given us unlimited choices and it’s up to us to educate ourselves on what really works for us. We’re all unique individuals and have our own special needs. So be aware of how your choice of thoughts makes you feel. When you choose angry or bitter thoughts, do you “feel” good? Wouldn’t you feel better if you chose a thought like, “All is well in my world”?
It’s the same with foods. Do you choose foods with the pretty picture on the package and then feel tired and irritable a little while after you’ve eaten it? Or do you choose natural foods that build up your energy and create healthy new cells? For the next week, be aware of your choices of thoughts and foods. You can create good health one food at a time, and one thought at a time!
And, here are some inspiring words from Louise Hay's blog on the importance of choosing healthy foods and healthy thoughts. So, let's eat healthy nutritious foods and think positive thoughts!
You have a Choice
The best way for us to keep fit and healthy is for us to watch what we eat and think. Our choices of thoughts and food are the major parts of either poor health or good health. Life has given us unlimited choices and it’s up to us to educate ourselves on what really works for us. We’re all unique individuals and have our own special needs. So be aware of how your choice of thoughts makes you feel. When you choose angry or bitter thoughts, do you “feel” good? Wouldn’t you feel better if you chose a thought like, “All is well in my world”?
It’s the same with foods. Do you choose foods with the pretty picture on the package and then feel tired and irritable a little while after you’ve eaten it? Or do you choose natural foods that build up your energy and create healthy new cells? For the next week, be aware of your choices of thoughts and foods. You can create good health one food at a time, and one thought at a time!
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
I am getting tired of this.....time to think about shaking it up!
I hate to say it, but I am getting tired of trying to release this weight, writing this blog, exercising, watching what I eat, etc. I'm not really in a so called funk now, but I just have lost my zeal for the whole process. I guess in reality that isn't too bad, since I have been doing this for 285 days. Don't worry - I'm not giving up. I'm not even taking a break. I guess I am just venting. I am human after all! I had a good workout this morning and a great meditation class last night. And, I ate very healthy today. I guess this whole thing is just getting boring to me. I think it may be more than just about the weight loss journey - I think it is about much more. I was just saying to Steve the other day that I feel a little lost and then last night in the meditation class when I encountered John Lennon (very long story!) and perhaps uncovered that I am just going through the motions in life right now. I really think I need something more to focus on - selling real estate just doesn't seem to be enough now. Maybe I am feeling this way because there are only 30 more days until my 50th birthday and I won't be at my goal. I don't really think that is the biggest issue - I think it is just how much significance society puts on certain numbers - 50 years old being one of them. I am not over the hill and I don't want to be over the hill so to speak. Yes. Maybe it is time to do something outrageous and fun, or different or meaningful, or thought provoking or crazy - in a good way - maybe just maybe it is time to shake it up. Not sure how, but pretty sure that might be the ticket. Something!? Any ideas?
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Missed boot camp....and a couple of great quotes
...I missed boot camp this morning. I think I had too much fun at game night last night. I will be taking Cleo on a long walk tomorrow then boot camp four mornings next week, pilates and a workout next week is the plan. I haven't been doing my gratitude journal lately - so tomorrow I will start that again and plan my meals for the week.
And a couple of great quotes:
You inevitably attract into your life people and circumstances in harmony with your dominant thoughts.
Brian Tracy
Don't focus on the days when you failed. Focus on all of the days when you won. Keep a chart, monitor your successes, and don't give up!
Robert Butterworthn
To achieve something you've never achieved before, you must become someone you've never been before."
Brian Tracy
Do or do not. There is no try.
And a couple of great quotes:
You inevitably attract into your life people and circumstances in harmony with your dominant thoughts.
Brian Tracy
Don't focus on the days when you failed. Focus on all of the days when you won. Keep a chart, monitor your successes, and don't give up!
Robert Butterworthn
To achieve something you've never achieved before, you must become someone you've never been before."
Brian Tracy
Do or do not. There is no try.
Friday, October 8, 2010
Boot Camp today....Boot Camp tomorrow!
I went to boot camp this morning at 6:30 and it was freezing by California standards. 50 degrees. And, tomorrow I am going again, but to a different one. We will see which one I like more and which one seems to be more challenging. I will be the challenge of the boot camps. LOL!
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Intuitive Eating Principles
10 Tips to Intuitive Eating from the book Intuitive Eating that I learned about at the Biggest Loser Resort.
1. Reject the Diet Mentality Throw out the diet books and magazine articles that offer you false hope of losing weight quickly, easily, and permanently. Get angry at the lies that have led you to feel as if you were a failure every time a new diet stopped working and you gained back all of the weight. If you allow even one small hope to linger that a new and better diet might be lurking around the corner, it will prevent you from being free to rediscover Intuitive Eating.
2. Honor Your Hunger Keep your body biologically fed with adequate energy and carbohydrates. Otherwise you can trigger a primal drive to overeat. Once you reach the moment of excessive hunger, all intentions of moderate, conscious eating are fleeting and irrelevant. Learning to honor this first biological signal sets the stage for re-building trust with yourself and food.
3. Make Peace with Food Call a truce, stop the food fight! Give yourself unconditional permission to eat. If you tell yourself that you can't or shouldn't have a particular food, it can lead to intense feelings of deprivation that build into uncontrollable cravings and, often, bingeing When you finally “give-in” to your forbidden food, eating will be experienced with such intensity, it usually results in Last Supper overeating, and overwhelming guilt.
4. Challenge the Food Police .Scream a loud "NO" to thoughts in your head that declare you're "good" for eating under 1000 calories or "bad" because you ate a piece of chocolate cake. The Food Police monitor the unreasonable rules that dieting has created . The police station is housed deep in your psyche, and its loud speaker shouts negative barbs, hopeless phrases, and guilt-provoking indictments. Chasing the Food Police away is a critical step in returning to Intuitive Eating.
5. Respect Your Fullness Listen for the body signals that tell you that you are no longer hungry. Observe the signs that show that you're comfortably full. Pause in the middle of a meal or food and ask yourself how the food tastes, and what is your current fullness level?
6. Discover the Satisfaction Factor The Japanese have the wisdom to promote pleasure as one of their goals of healthy living In our fury to be thin and healthy, we often overlook one of the most basic gifts of existence--the pleasure and satisfaction that can be found in the eating experience. When you eat what you really want, in an environment that is inviting and conducive, the pleasure you derive will be a powerful force in helping you feel satisfied and content. By providing this experience for yourself, you will find that it takes much less food to decide you've had "enough".
7. Honor Your Feelings Without Using Food Find ways to comfort , nurture, distract, and resolve your issues without using food. Anxiety, loneliness, boredom, anger are emotions we all experience throughout life. Each has its own trigger, and each has its own appeasement. Food won't fix any of these feelings. It may comfort for the short term, distract from the pain, or even numb you into a food hangover. But food won't solve the problem. If anything, eating for an emotional hunger will only make you feel worse in the long run. You'll ultimately have to deal with the source of the emotion, as well as the discomfort of overeating.
8. Respect Your Body Accept your genetic blueprint. Just as a person with a shoe size of eight would not expect to realistically squeeze into a size six, it is equally as futile (and uncomfortable) to have the same expectation with body size. But mostly, respect your body, so you can feel better about who you are. It's hard to reject the diet mentality if you are unrealistic and overly critical about your body shape.
9. Exercise--Feel the Difference Forget militant exercise. Just get active and feel the difference. Shift your focus to how it feels to move your body, rather than the calorie burning effect of exercise. If you focus on how you feel from working out, such as energized, it can make the difference between rolling out of bed for a brisk morning walk or hitting the snooze alarm. If when you wake up, your only goal is to lose weight, it's usually not a motivating factor in that moment of time.
10 Honor Your Health--Gentle Nutrition Make food choices that honor your health and tastebuds while making you feel well. Remember that you don't have to eat a perfect diet to be healthy. You will not suddenly get a nutrient deficiency or gain weight from one snack, one meal, or one day of eating. It's what you eat consistently over time that matters, progress not perfection is what counts.
2. Honor Your Hunger Keep your body biologically fed with adequate energy and carbohydrates. Otherwise you can trigger a primal drive to overeat. Once you reach the moment of excessive hunger, all intentions of moderate, conscious eating are fleeting and irrelevant. Learning to honor this first biological signal sets the stage for re-building trust with yourself and food.
3. Make Peace with Food Call a truce, stop the food fight! Give yourself unconditional permission to eat. If you tell yourself that you can't or shouldn't have a particular food, it can lead to intense feelings of deprivation that build into uncontrollable cravings and, often, bingeing When you finally “give-in” to your forbidden food, eating will be experienced with such intensity, it usually results in Last Supper overeating, and overwhelming guilt.
4. Challenge the Food Police .Scream a loud "NO" to thoughts in your head that declare you're "good" for eating under 1000 calories or "bad" because you ate a piece of chocolate cake. The Food Police monitor the unreasonable rules that dieting has created . The police station is housed deep in your psyche, and its loud speaker shouts negative barbs, hopeless phrases, and guilt-provoking indictments. Chasing the Food Police away is a critical step in returning to Intuitive Eating.
5. Respect Your Fullness Listen for the body signals that tell you that you are no longer hungry. Observe the signs that show that you're comfortably full. Pause in the middle of a meal or food and ask yourself how the food tastes, and what is your current fullness level?
6. Discover the Satisfaction Factor The Japanese have the wisdom to promote pleasure as one of their goals of healthy living In our fury to be thin and healthy, we often overlook one of the most basic gifts of existence--the pleasure and satisfaction that can be found in the eating experience. When you eat what you really want, in an environment that is inviting and conducive, the pleasure you derive will be a powerful force in helping you feel satisfied and content. By providing this experience for yourself, you will find that it takes much less food to decide you've had "enough".
7. Honor Your Feelings Without Using Food Find ways to comfort , nurture, distract, and resolve your issues without using food. Anxiety, loneliness, boredom, anger are emotions we all experience throughout life. Each has its own trigger, and each has its own appeasement. Food won't fix any of these feelings. It may comfort for the short term, distract from the pain, or even numb you into a food hangover. But food won't solve the problem. If anything, eating for an emotional hunger will only make you feel worse in the long run. You'll ultimately have to deal with the source of the emotion, as well as the discomfort of overeating.
8. Respect Your Body Accept your genetic blueprint. Just as a person with a shoe size of eight would not expect to realistically squeeze into a size six, it is equally as futile (and uncomfortable) to have the same expectation with body size. But mostly, respect your body, so you can feel better about who you are. It's hard to reject the diet mentality if you are unrealistic and overly critical about your body shape.
9. Exercise--Feel the Difference Forget militant exercise. Just get active and feel the difference. Shift your focus to how it feels to move your body, rather than the calorie burning effect of exercise. If you focus on how you feel from working out, such as energized, it can make the difference between rolling out of bed for a brisk morning walk or hitting the snooze alarm. If when you wake up, your only goal is to lose weight, it's usually not a motivating factor in that moment of time.
10 Honor Your Health--Gentle Nutrition Make food choices that honor your health and tastebuds while making you feel well. Remember that you don't have to eat a perfect diet to be healthy. You will not suddenly get a nutrient deficiency or gain weight from one snack, one meal, or one day of eating. It's what you eat consistently over time that matters, progress not perfection is what counts.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Yes. That is the sound my shoes made this morning at boot camp in the rain at 56 degrees outside. Now that is dedication, right? BRRRRRrrrrrrr.... is about all I can say. Then it was off to a training for gro-Organic. Pretty cool stuff - franchise training for the new franchisees. My roasted chicken turned out good - or I thought it did anyway. Steve said it was dry, whatever! I thought it was good. Tomorrow more boot camp - hopefully no rain and more gro-Organic training. Long day ahead tomorrow. I'm going to try to get to bed early!
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Kettle Balls Plus
Workout bright and early this morning with Kettle Balls, plus a ton of sit ups and push ups, and that wasn't even boot camp. That is tomorrow morning - unless it is pouring rain - then I might just skip it. Weather forecast says 40 percent chance of rain - let's hope it is wrong! I am missing my friends at the Biggest Loser Resort. I am keeping in touch via facebook and it sounds like they are plugging away to lose more pounds quickly. I guess I am glad to be home. Yes. I am. I just have to keep my eating in line. Tomorrow I will be at a training all day so I am going to make a crockpot chicken. Here is the recipe. It sounds really good. We shall see.
1 roasting chicken
1/2 c. chicken broth
1/3 c. soy sauce
1/3 c. olive oil
1/4 c. honey
1 t. Worchester sauce
2 t. balsamic vinegar
2 t. lemon juice
1 t. sesame oil
2 T. chopped garlic
combine all ingredients, put chicken in crockpot without skin (pat dry first). Pour mixture over chicken and cook on low setting for 8 hours.
The recipe says to serve it with jasmine rice. I think I will do that and add some green beans.
1 roasting chicken
1/2 c. chicken broth
1/3 c. soy sauce
1/3 c. olive oil
1/4 c. honey
1 t. Worchester sauce
2 t. balsamic vinegar
2 t. lemon juice
1 t. sesame oil
2 T. chopped garlic
combine all ingredients, put chicken in crockpot without skin (pat dry first). Pour mixture over chicken and cook on low setting for 8 hours.
The recipe says to serve it with jasmine rice. I think I will do that and add some green beans.
Monday, October 4, 2010
I was tired today after my week at the Biggest Loser Resort. Tomorrow I will be hitting it again with my workout at 7 a.m.
Sunday, October 3, 2010
The results are in and a trip to Whole Foods
The verdict is in....and.....I lost.....another 7 pounds - that seems to be what I lose a week there at the Biggest Loser Resort. I am happy with that loss - but of course I would have loved to lose more. ;) I had to have a Starbucks non-fat pumpkin spice latte - nummy - as soon as I left the resort - LOL! It tasted great! I guess I missed coffee a bit. Ya think! I don't really drink that much coffee anyway - just about one cup a day and an occasional Starbucks about twice a month. Some people at the resort were giving up seven diet sodas a day cold turkey, and cigarettes. Boy, I am sure glad I didn't have to go cold turkey on that!
On the way home I stopped at Whole Food to grocery shop - I don't usually go there since it is about thirty minutes away. I stocked up on salmon, sole, ground turkey and chicken, a whole roasting chicken and chicken breasts, tons of vegetables and fruit, whole wheat pasta, rice, couscous, and even some organic ice cream sandwiches for a treat. So, my refrigerator shelves a stocked with some great food - now I need to search recipes to make some tasty meals. Anyone have any good recipes they want to share?
On the way home I stopped at Whole Food to grocery shop - I don't usually go there since it is about thirty minutes away. I stocked up on salmon, sole, ground turkey and chicken, a whole roasting chicken and chicken breasts, tons of vegetables and fruit, whole wheat pasta, rice, couscous, and even some organic ice cream sandwiches for a treat. So, my refrigerator shelves a stocked with some great food - now I need to search recipes to make some tasty meals. Anyone have any good recipes they want to share?
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Today we did a workout called intenSati that targets the mind and the body incoporating marshall arts, yoga and postive affirmations - right up my alley- with one of the main principles being Integrity. As you know I am still working on that integrity to self piece that I am sometimes missing in my life - this class seemed to target just that!! Totally cool! I loved the class. Here is a description of the class from the website - "IntenSati is a revolutionary high-energy cardio workout created by Patricia Moreno, author of The intenSati Method, 7 Principles to Thinner Peace. This method of training is based on the teachings of mindfulness, positive psychology and the law of attraction. The practice radically combined aerobics, martial arts and endurance principles with positive affirmations. The result is an unprecedented practice which is empowering physically and mentally." Then a kicboxing class and another circuit class. Then some lunch and a massage. Dinner and a farewell video - pretty cool! I am doing some funny things in the video - I hate to admit it! LOL! Anyway, I am excited to weigh in tomorrow at 8 a.m. We shall see. I have worked my butt off this week, so the number should be one that I am expecting. I hope!
Friday, October 1, 2010
Malibu beach hike and Cardio Disco Jam....
This morning we went on an awsome hike to Zuma Beach in Malibu - walked on the sand for about a mile and then up the cliffs and over to the other side. Pretty cool! We even saw a pod (I think it is called a pod) dolphins swimming along the shore - so neat to see! I am thinking that I would love to go hiking at the beach more often. It was so much fun! Don't get me wrong it was hard too, as you can see by how high up on the cliff we hiked. Then it was off to a wonderful stretch class. It felt so good to stretch after walking in the sand and climbing the cliff paths.
After that it was circuit training again, the Cardio Disco Jam - which was hilarious, as well as super fun. The instructor - who was a guy - dressed up in a sequin top, shorts with a peace sign belt and some silver high top tennis shoes. And, the moves were insane! LOL! It was a bit of the seventies all over again. I'm not quite sure what I looked like. LOL! But, it sure was fun. The last class of the day was Liquid Moves - in the pool - swimming and running and who would think it was hard to hold some floaty weights over your head and run around the pool. Oh yes it is - my arms can tell you so!
Alas, tomorrow is my last day. I am a little sad to go, but also can't wait to get home to see the hubby and my little Cleopatra princess puppy.
Off to do my laundry so I won't have to do it when I get home on Sunday. More of my adventures tomorrow.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Made it through another day. YAY!
Today was pretty good - but I am sore and tired. Went on the same hike I went on on Monday - so that was good to know what the route was and what to expect. Then I had two pool classes - who thought the pool could be so much exercise. Then on to a toning class in a park, which was really nice to be outside in nature looking at trees, and beautiful blue skies with floating white clouds. Then the dreaded treading class - five minutes as hard as you can go then five minute recovery, then four minutes as hard as you can go and then four minute recovery, all the way down to one minute. I actually ran - which is big for me. I think I have ran a little each day I have been here - must be the bootcamp before I came here.
After dinner tonight the producers of the Biggest Loser came in to answer questions. It was pretty intersesting. Also, the contestants from season 12 were working out right near where we were doing our outdoor workout - I could see the crew setting up for the filming. And, I also saw a boxing rink - probably not supposed to say that - but I wonder what that means. Hmmmm.....boxing contestants??? Who knows!
Tomorrow is the beach hike to Doheny Beach - that should be fun and challenging at the same time. I am looking forward to that hike. I am pooped so I am going to take a shower and read a little and hit the sack before another challenging, yet exciting day tomorrow. I can't wait to see how much I have lost on Sunday!
After dinner tonight the producers of the Biggest Loser came in to answer questions. It was pretty intersesting. Also, the contestants from season 12 were working out right near where we were doing our outdoor workout - I could see the crew setting up for the filming. And, I also saw a boxing rink - probably not supposed to say that - but I wonder what that means. Hmmmm.....boxing contestants??? Who knows!
Tomorrow is the beach hike to Doheny Beach - that should be fun and challenging at the same time. I am looking forward to that hike. I am pooped so I am going to take a shower and read a little and hit the sack before another challenging, yet exciting day tomorrow. I can't wait to see how much I have lost on Sunday!
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Backbone hike today....
Today we went on a hike called Backbone - it should be called back breaker! LOL! It was pretty darn tough - a huge hill to start and then up and and down a winding trail - beautiful view on the hike though. So, that made it nice. I am getting in the swing of it here now - and I am leaving in three days - that is good and bad I guess. I sort of wish I was staying longer so I could loose more weight, but I am also glad that I will be going home. This time I am confident that I will be able to incorporate what I have learned. Tonight there was a lecture on Inuitive Eating - yes eating when your body tells you too. What a concept. LOL! They mentioned a book that I am going to read on the subject - so more on that later.
One of the contestants from the Biggest Loser - Darius - is here now doing some promotion for the resort. He looks pretty darn good - I remember him from the show. And, they will be filming part of season 12 here while we are here. That should be interesting, but we may not see to much of the contestants as I think they will be filming while we are out in nature enjoying our hikes.
Tomorrow is day four. I am far less tired than I was the last time I was in Utah - not sure why - could be the altitude difference or perhaps the fact I have snuck in a couple of half hour naps here. LOL! It really helps that little bit of a nap - for me anyway. More tomorrow.
One of the contestants from the Biggest Loser - Darius - is here now doing some promotion for the resort. He looks pretty darn good - I remember him from the show. And, they will be filming part of season 12 here while we are here. That should be interesting, but we may not see to much of the contestants as I think they will be filming while we are out in nature enjoying our hikes.
Tomorrow is day four. I am far less tired than I was the last time I was in Utah - not sure why - could be the altitude difference or perhaps the fact I have snuck in a couple of half hour naps here. LOL! It really helps that little bit of a nap - for me anyway. More tomorrow.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Great Malibu Creek Hike
One of the first things I am going to do when I get home is clean of the refrigerator and pantry - yes, Steve I am again. But, this time it is going to stay free of the junk food that seems to creep in after I clean it out. I have no one but myself to blame for that since I do 99.9 percent of the grocery shopping. It has to be cleared of junk so I have no excuses for eating late night snacks.
Tomorrow will be another hike. One day this week the hike is on the beach in Malibu down some - according to others many, many, many - stairs and then on the sand. As you can see here are some are some photos of the hike today. Very lovely one of me. LOL!
Monday, September 27, 2010
Working out in a 99 degree gym
Today was officially the hottest day ever in Los Angeles. And, of course we were on a long hike up a big hill this morning followed by hours of workinig out in the gym and in the pool. The pool was great - the gym not so much. It was 99 degrees in there because the power kept going out. Oh boy was that a workout - circuit training - two minutes of cardio then two minutes of weights for 90 minutes in the hot, hot gym. But, I figure I must have burned a ton of calories in that heat. It was a great first day - even with the heat. I hear tomorrow will be cooler - I sure hope so.
Here are some pics from the hike and a photo of my new house. Steve doesn't know it yet but we are moving to Malibu! A girl can dream, right? More about my adventure tomorrow.
Here are some pics from the hike and a photo of my new house. Steve doesn't know it yet but we are moving to Malibu! A girl can dream, right? More about my adventure tomorrow.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
First day for the third time....
Who knew that parts of Malibu are like the mountains. I am here at the Biggest Loser Resort in Malibu and it is like camping in the mountains - with cute little cabins for our rooms and tons of gorgeous trees towering over the resort. The only reason I know I am not in the mountains - I really don't think I am near the beach either right now - is because it was 106 degrees when I pulled into the parking lot here at the resort. This place looks huge.
The whole place has a rustic feel - with great rustic decor and lodge like buildings. I have had my first meal and am now going to get some rest for the hike in the morning. They say one of the hikes is on the beach - that will be fun! Sand!! Here are some photos of the outside of the the workout areas and the pool. Workouts here I come. Let's see what I say tomorrow. LOL!
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Bags are backed and I am ready to go...almost
I am almost done packing for my Malibu experience. I am ready this time. I know what to expect. I know what to bring. I know that I will probably have to deal with blisters and I am ready. I know I will need lots of sunscreen and I am ready. I know that I will need lots of electrolytes and I am ready. And, I am going to release at least 7 pounds. Maybe even 9 pounds. I am going to work really, really hard this week. This time I am not having a feast - wine and a big dinner - before leaving, which should show well on some real weight loss next week. It really seems like something has really clicked in my mind on this whole journey. I know you are probably thinking, "Geez it should have by now. You have been at this for nine months now, Suzanne." But,in my defense I have also had my bad habits for at least 11 years, maybe more. So, nine months to get things really rolling in the right direction isn't really that bad, is it? Obviously, I won't be making my goal of a size eight by my birthday in November, but I will have my mental and physical state right by then and be well on my way to reaching my goal in 2011. These last nine months have been some of the most challenging, exciting, fun and difficult at the same time, but I am really glad that I decided to embark on this journey - and the journey isn't over. The best is yet to come! I am excited and ready for a great week at the Biggest Loser Resort in Malibu. Of course, I will be posting nightly with commentary and photos. So, more tomorrow from Malibu!
Friday, September 24, 2010
1200 calories burned playing golf
Boy do I love golf - its fun, its outside, and it burns a ton of calories and that was even using a cart! It couldn't be because I chase my ball all of the course that I burn so many calorie, or could it? Looks like I walked about 3.5 miles playing golf with a cart. Geeeez! LOL! No seriously - I had a great day playing golf with my good friend Michele, plus I burned all those calories. Yipppeeee! Now tomorrow I finish packing and I am off - to burn a bunch more calories. Soon, very soon you will all see the new and improved Suzy.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Laying low until I go to the resort....
because I know what is in store for me. LOL! Seriously I am pretty much taking the week of exercising except for one workout on Tuesday morning and one game of golf tomorrow. I am exciting to play golf tomorrow -should be great weather and a great time with my friend Michele. Then more packing on Saturday and I am off to sweat some more major pounds off!
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Lazy day and a baseball game
I am not sure if it was the weather - gloomy and cloudy - or what, but today I was just so tired and not at all motivated to exercise. So, I didn't! Then tonight we went to an Angel's game - lots of fun! Only three more days until I will be exercising a ton - so I guess I am giving myself and my body a rest?!
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Getting ready to go to Malibu
I am getting ready to go to Malibu - back for another week of intense exercise and healthy eating. I think this time is going to be the best because I have been eating way better for the last four weeks for the most part - plus doing boot camp. I am super excited - I just got an emailing saying they may be filming part of The Biggest Loser while I am there. I had to sign a release and everything. That will be interesting if they are there filming. Hmmmmm......not sure how I feel about that! I am going to start to pack tomorrow because I have a pretty busy rest of the week. It shouldn't be too difficult since I pretty much know what to take now - but this time I will have to make sure I have everything I need because I will have no roommate to borrow things from. LOL! I am a little sad about that because was nice to have someone the share with each evening. But, hopefully I will have some time to do some more writing while I am there. I should be experiencing many things sense wise - the taste of the food, the sounds of nature on the hikes, the feeling of my sore muscles (oh no!), the sight of the scenery and the people, the smell of sweat (hahahaha, no really!). I will try to give a much more descriptive narration of the days events this time using my senses. Should be interesting. Also, for my writing class I have to keep a journal - looks like I will be doing a lot of writing next week too. I am starting to get extremely excited! I'll be there in only five more days!
Monday, September 20, 2010
Breathe in. Breath out.
Part of my assignment for my essay writing class - writing using each one of the senses. Today was hearing.
Sitting at the table in the backyard with my eyes closed during a meditation with my Prosperity Princesses, I can hear the rustle of the falling Wisteria leaves floating across the patio. The pinging sound of the wind chimes musically resonates, but my mind won’t cooperate. While a chirping bird and the soft flowing water in the fountain lull me to a pseudo sleep state, my body begins to relax. “Get back to meditating,” I tell myself. Probably not the best tone for one on a higher spiritual path to use. My thoughts wander to things other than getting in touch with the Universe. I find myself listen to all the sounds in the yard. Another leaf lands on the table with a crackling sound, as a bi-plane flies overhead. I wonder where the plane is going. The buzz of the bees busily mine the nectar from the gardenias, combined with the sigh of my sleeping dog; make the perfect scene for a meditation. Or one would think. One of women in the group must be moving her hands around because I can hear the jingling of her bracelet, while I try to focus on my breathing. In and out. Breathe in. Breathe out. Finally I can hear my breath as I deeply breathe in and let go of negative thoughts and emotions settling into the meditation.
Sitting at the table in the backyard with my eyes closed during a meditation with my Prosperity Princesses, I can hear the rustle of the falling Wisteria leaves floating across the patio. The pinging sound of the wind chimes musically resonates, but my mind won’t cooperate. While a chirping bird and the soft flowing water in the fountain lull me to a pseudo sleep state, my body begins to relax. “Get back to meditating,” I tell myself. Probably not the best tone for one on a higher spiritual path to use. My thoughts wander to things other than getting in touch with the Universe. I find myself listen to all the sounds in the yard. Another leaf lands on the table with a crackling sound, as a bi-plane flies overhead. I wonder where the plane is going. The buzz of the bees busily mine the nectar from the gardenias, combined with the sigh of my sleeping dog; make the perfect scene for a meditation. Or one would think. One of women in the group must be moving her hands around because I can hear the jingling of her bracelet, while I try to focus on my breathing. In and out. Breathe in. Breathe out. Finally I can hear my breath as I deeply breathe in and let go of negative thoughts and emotions settling into the meditation.
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